
AR in the Car: A Common Misconception.



After recent events, I have heard many discuss the need to carry armor and additional weapons in their vehicles in case they encounter a terrorist action. There is a disconnect with reality for most when it comes to these concepts. If one finds themselves within an incident like the terrorist attacks in California or Paris, you mostly likely won’t have the ability to run to you car and “suit up”. Instead you will be using what you brought (wearing). BYOG. This is why it is important to be carrying the most effective firearm with you that you can properly carry plus however many spare mags – because you won’t have a supply chain and malfunctions happen.


I’m not saying don’t be ready- I’m not saying leave your rifles home. I’m saying be prepared – training is part of preparation and is oftentimes ignored.

Good training trumps gear you most likely won’t use/have. Training is something you can take everywhere; AR’s, plates, and helmets… not so much.



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