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Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Magpul and Gibbz Arms Settle Patent Infringement Lawsuit

December 14, 2016 — Magpul Industries Corp. announced today that has settled its patent infringement lawsuit against Gibbens Engineering Group, LLC, a/k/a Gibbz Arms, which was pending in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. Magpul’s initial complaint asserted that Gibbz Arms infringed three Magpul utility patents by selling the “Gibbz… read more »

Tactical Tailor Tahoma Tote Rucksack Review

Author’s note: This pack appears to have been renamed the “RR2600 Assault Malice Pack” according to Tactical Tailor’s website. There appear to be no differences according to their descriptions and display images, however this has not been confirmed by Tactical Tailor as of the time of this publishing.  There’s no place like home, and if… read more »

Main Gun Coffee Company: First Sergeant Blend

Been sampling the Main Gun Coffee Company First Sergeant blend. I like it. It’s a darker roast than the Belt Fed (I’d call it a medium roast, it’s not a dark roast, but darker than the Belt Fed), with a light body, and mild cacao and red wine notes. Being a darker roast, you taste… read more »

SWAT Team Leader Course & Vetting Entities…

I am teaching another Team Leader course in a few weeks. During the course of a year and with different topics being taught, I invariably get asked whether my course is “certified” by a specific entity. One of the reasons I started a training company was because I felt like a lot of courses that… read more »

Speed Costs Money……

Speed costs money, how fast do ya wanna go  With the election upon us, it seems as if everyone now wants to buy, buy, buy firearms and gear “just in case.”  Which is cool, but not the way I would go. A firearm is a tool. That’s all. Much like a wrench or a ratchet…. read more »

Brand Loyalty, Bias, and Being Dumb 

Brand loyalty is a strong influence on people’s attempt to find the best option. Ford vs Chevy, Coke vs Pepsi, we all have our preferences. Is it safe to blindly rely on our loyalties with our choices in guns, gear, and training? Is it wise to consider a piece of gear without knowing other (possibly… read more »

Milwaukee PD & S&W M&P Issue & Response

A P&S staff member received this memo which was directed to All District, Division and Bureaus of the Milwaukee Police Department from Assistant Chief Carianne Yerkes. “During the armorer cleaning of department duty pistols this in-service session, the Range Staff has identified an issue with the frames of some of the Smith & Wesson pistols…. read more »

Mission Planning For SWAT Teams

It is no surprise that a lot of SWAT teams use the Military five point operations order for mission planning. There are many similarities and SMEAC (Situation, Mission, Execution, Admin & Logistics, Command & Signal) is a great tool for planning to ensure nothing is overlooked or missed. However, I see that base model being… read more »

Women, Wardrobes, Guns

“But, women have to completely re-think their wardrobe in order to carry a gun safely.” Apparently, according to the vast majority of men, women regularly need to go up a size in their jeans, or completely “re-think” their wardrobe in order to accommodate your everyday Kydex holster. This has always been one of those “nail on a… read more »

Mag-Pods For Gen 2 Pmags

I had been seeing these for some time and thought they were interesting. I also wondered and worried about whether they would stay on the magazines with rough use and potentially adding a snag hazard when conducting building clears. Shane Keng from Mag-Pod was kind enough to send me some to check out. I warned… read more »
