
More Zeroing With Boresight

We are going to continue our discussion on the Laser Boresight. Specifically, we are going to talk about how to zero the enabler with a zeroed LBS. The reference for this is TM 9-5860-226-13&P dated August 2007. To learn how to zero the Laser Boresight, and why it is important to do this, reference the TTP Thursday post from last week.

Now that we have established a good solid zero for the boresight, the next task we will conduct will be zeroing the weapon. To do that, we start with as solid a position as possible. There are three people involved in this process: the Weapon man making corrections to the optic, the Target man who has secured the appropriate offset to the wall, and the Paratrooper whose weapon is being zeroed.

The Paratrooper assumes a very stable position. The prone supported with a sand sock if possible is ideal. Bench rests or a gun vise are an excellent method of securing the weapon as well.

The Paratrooper acquires their sight picture with their optic, and as soon as their dot is on the dot at the center of the target, they call out ‘mark.’ The Target man looks at the location of the dot, and gives them a number of corrections in boxes. Picture one illustrates this for us.

The Weapon man then makes the adjustment to the optic.They reference the sight cheat sheet for their appropriate weapon/optic combination, and makes the appropriate corrections to the optic. They make the correction in the direction marked on the optic. This adjusts the ‘strike of the round’, or the laser from the boresight. Picture two illustrates the cheat sheet.

The Paratrooper then re-acquires the point of aim on the target and calls ‘mark.’ The target man then looks at where the laser from the boresight is hitting, then calls out any adjustments required. This process is continued until the laser boresight is sitting on the ‘point of impact’ while the Paratrooper is on the point of aim.

This means that the weapon/optic combination is now ‘zeroed’ to the Paratrooper. It needs to be confirmed at live fire, but this method will ensure you be on paper at 25 meters. The benefit to this is, it ensures that you don’t waste ammunition with ‘hard cases’ trying to get them onto an E-type silhouette that potentially is full of bullet holes.

So to sum up, we’ve discussed how to zero an optic to a weapon using the laser boresight. We’ve discussed what is important to pay attention to, and what the standard is for an optic to be ‘zeroed’ with a boresight. We will discuss how to zero lasers and thermals.

#weaponsmastery #laserboresight


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