

Ideas & Concepts,

P&S ModCast 16-1 The Unstoppable Jared Reston

Primary & Secondary ModCast 16-1   Speaking with Jared Reston about the incident he was involved in on 01/26/2008.   Things to consider: Why did he initially contact the suspect? What was his initial choice of weapon? Did Jared know the suspect was armed? How many shots were fired from both sides? How much… read more »

The Need For A Mentor

“Surround yourself with those smarter than you.” I’ve heard variants of this saying many times in various venues. Sometimes it was narrowly focused – “you are a new boot and don’t know anything so listen to senior officers” – and other times it was more focused on learning as much as possible from others. A… read more »

The New ATF Rules on NFA Trusts and How They Affect You!

By: Mark Toronjo 41(f) And You! What do you need to know and how does it affect you? As you are most likely aware the ATF proposed a rule change in 2013 to close the “Trust loophole” for NFA transfers. This proposed change would require all “Responsible Persons” to the legal entity, Trusts, corporations,… read more »

Effective Social Media Moderators

Without seeing the big picture, many participants in various forums and social media outlets do not understand what impact a simple post or reply can cause. If we take multiple posts that provide similar bad information, will that provide a negative outcome for a reader?  Yes. If we take multiple inexperienced people expounding on the… read more »

Thoughts On Civilian Response To An Active Shooter

By: Michael Bronson I always ask people’s plans as civilian response to active shooter. Far too many haven’t thought things out, let alone properly trained for it. There’s a rolling gunfight in a mall – how do you distinguish and target discriminate bad guys from good guys? How are you handling possible fellow CCWers? What… read more »

Pride – Just Not Helpful.

By: Jimmy Krause The #1 thing that should be left out of any fighting rifle reference is pride or pride driven statements like “I love this rifle”, “it suits my needs” and “is the best rifle I’ve owned” Most of the people that are determined to engage in uneducated arguments are the collectors; the guys… read more »

Motivation and luck

  By: Mike G. Here is the reality, a motivated enough terrorist can find a way to perpetrate an attack that will not be able to be stopped except by sheer luck. You cannot write enough laws, field enough cops, restrict access to physical locations, etc to 100% prevent it. That being said we have… read more »

AR in the Car: A Common Misconception.

  After recent events, I have heard many discuss the need to carry armor and additional weapons in their vehicles in case they encounter a terrorist action. There is a disconnect with reality for most when it comes to these concepts. If one finds themselves within an incident like the terrorist attacks in California or Paris,… read more »

Sergeant Mark Renninger

  By: Bill Blowers Mark was running training one day. I think we were rotating through single room, decision making type hits. There was a newer dude on the team with about nine months on the team. Dude is consistently fucking up the program. Big issue is lack of situational awareness and ability to see… read more »

So you want to be in Law Enforcement?

  I’m generally going to be writing about my experiences, and the experiences I’ve heard from others, regarding various academies and departments (not just my agency’s). This is just a broad overview for areas that tend to overlap, not just the jail/street thing, but the common events/situations in all academies in my area. Oh yeah,… read more »
