
Raven Concealment Systems: Freya


This past week Raven Concealment Systems (RCS) unveiled a redesigned magwell previously under the Sentinel Design banner. Freya (also spelled Freyja in some circles) is a lusty and deadly Norse goddess (NOTE: since I am not writing this for Breach Bang Clear I will not refer to the connection between a lusty goddess and a magwell), Freya is also the name of the new solid aluminum machined RCS magwell.

The Freya is available for Glock 17, 19, 22, 23, 32, 34, 35 Gen 3, and Glock 19, 23, 32 Gen 4. The Gen 4 version is not compatible with backstraps, i.e. you can only run the Freya bareback… strap.


Installation is simple. It only took about two minutes to install and enjoy. Insert plug, fasten plug into place via a screw, affix baseplate, fasten baseplate to plug by different screw. I hope I did not ruin your future experience. Removal also takes a little time, not that you need or want to remove it. No foreseeable negatives with the system: it does not cause noticeable printing and no additional discomfort.

I wore the Freya installed on my Roland Special (that’s a tricked out Glock 19 for you uninitiated types) in an appendixed RCS Vanguard3 for several hours while driving home from SHOT Show without issue. The other positives I have noticed: since I have larger hands, the wider mouth of the magwell does not allow my hand to get pinched on reloads. The Freya provides a better grip due to the slightly wider shape of the magwell. Reloads do not need to be as precise with the Freya (because that’s what flaired magwells do).

The Freya is compatible with OEM as well as multiple aftermarket baseplates.

MSRP will be around $100. Estimated release April of 2016.



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