

Ideas & Concepts,

EDC Snakeoil

Commercially available defensive duty caliber pistol ammunition designed to defeat soft armor (NiJ IIIa) is a gimmick. 1 – Does the ammunition perform at the same level as HST or Gold Dot on non-armored targets? No. 2 – Does the ammunition perform at the level of HST or Gold Dot after penetrating soft armor? No… read more »

Invest In Yourself Before Investing In More Stuff

We drive every day but that doesn’t mean we should be racing in the Indy 500. Consider the level of training and experience the average driver on the road has compared to paid drivers who compete in professional races. Who would you trust more to put in a formula one car and win a high… read more »

Leaping to Conclusions on Social Media

When someone posts a picture on social media, a lot of information beyond just what is featured in the picture is being shared. If it is one of those horrible “EDC drop” pictures where people are looking for praise and validation but not critical feedback, a lot can be gleaned from that picture. At the… read more »

Responding to People in Crisis

I think it is important to discuss and spread awareness of some issues that most people prefer to ignore and not think about until it is too late – mental health crisis. With lockdowns and Covid, people have been put in unusually stressful conditions, and not everyone reacts and responds the same way. As a… read more »

The Cult of the EDC Concealment Pistol Weaponlight

I am seeing trends in how people feel the need to go to extremes to virtue signal the use of weaponlights on every day carry concealment pistols. Not every weaponlight is equal and most are plain underpowered for their task. Most of the pro weaponlight people seem to latch onto the idea of weaponlights due… read more »

The Police Pendulum

The Devolution of Law Enforcement in the 21st Century             Every thirty to fifty years, there’s a shift between public-favored lawlessness and an anti-criminal sentiment.  The phenomenon of anti-law enforcement / pro-criminal sentiments is often referred to as, “cyclical” or even analogized as, “the pendulum.”  Both assume that this is only temporary and sooner or… read more »

Not John Wick

There is a pervasive idea that seems to thrive with the gun owner demographic who think mere ownership equals mastery. These are the same people who are easily influenced by deceptive marketing because they do not have the means of seeing what is a good or bad idea on their own. They dismiss good quality… read more »

21 Foot Bubble Of Death

To anyone who thinks the ability to put accurate shots on target at distances beyond 15 yards is silly, let us discuss the application of deadly force against humans and how accuracy is important. There are only couple areas on a human body that when struck by effective gunfire will produce the needed/desired results. Not… read more »

Howdy All

Greetings Primary and Secondary. As some of you may have noticed, and probably enjoyed, I took a hiatus from posting here. I have been building Quantified Performance, LLC. This has soaked up most of my free time and even harder to find than time is things to say. As the company built, matches were conducted,… read more »

It is not the Odds, but the Stakes

There is a sad movement of firearms owners who strive for the absolute minimum. “Three rounds, at three yards, in three seconds” is a popular misguided stat. Too many people think this is a standard for which to strive. What is fun about stats are the averages and the important outliers. I personally cannot predict… read more »
