
The Mobile Office


Rolling offices take different shapes and sizes. This Ford F150 is definitely a larger one than others I have had in the past. Seatbelt access is simple. The doorway is large and allows easy exit. Spacious leg room allows effortless movement. This might seem silly, but smaller vehicles with larger people create unique challenges.

Deconfliction within the driver’s seat is something that can and should be practiced. We get in and out of our vehicles all the time. Full-time uniformed police have a little extra deconfliction, which has variables to consider. Badges, vests, belts, radios, holsters, etc.get in the way when we aren’t stressed and wearing seatbelts as policy dictates. Add stress and something we do all the time can become problematic.

Some instructors urge to bail over the center console out the passenger side door in certain circumstances, and some don’t. It’s not a bad idea to understand both perspectives to figure out which might be more applicable.

Although we are in and out of our vehicles throughout the day, a little focused attention to that immediate surrounding isn’t a bad idea.


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