
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

P&S Training Summit 2020 Helps Law Enforcement

Our training event set for Sept 2020 is still being refined and additional topics to be taught and vendors providing demos are being added. Part of the goal of this event is to provide training to law enforcement administrators, policy makers, and lead range staff on our dime. Not every decision maker understands the benefits… read more »

Don't Be A Sheepdog

The ability of a person to protect themselves and their family is not only their right, it is their responsibility. People shouldn’t need to wait on the police (or sheepdogs) to come and protect or save them. My primary employment is working as a police officer. I recognize there are those officers with a just… read more »

PCC for Practice and Competition

PCC in competition Competition will not get you kilt in the streetz, and competing with a PCC is no different. Getting practical experience moving with, reloading, transitioning, and just working with a duty or defensive rifle is difficult for many people due to the lack of proper facilities. Even many of the more practically-focused bays… read more »

How to Win Friends and Influence Social Media

There have been interesting patterns to follow on social media which are guiding some direction of popular culture. He who controls the the lowest common denominator (those who have no reading comprehension, those who apply their own narratives to the title of a video or article but don’t read or watch the content, and those… read more »

Sons of Liberty Gun Works MK10 Review

I recently had the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into one of the 308 battle rifles being compared for the InRangeTV/P&S collaboration video shoot.  Since Karl will be releasing plenty of high quality video content comparing the various guns, I will not get into that. I wanted to specifically look at the SOLGW MK10… read more »

Fixing the Follow up Shot.

There are many reasons for having to take a follow up shot. The stage could require two or more hits on a single target, a miss, or real-world effects. What some fail to recognize is the time required for the follow up shot. Using quantifiable metrics, we can see how much time it will take… read more »
