
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Ideas & Concepts,

The Gun Elitist Debate

There are some who will argue pure price point in both the excessively cheap and unnecessarily high extremes when it comes to guns and gear. Some are brand oriented and brand loyal – for whatever reason. My XXX Brand has never had a failure (because it gets a magazine shot through it once maybe twice… read more »

PSA for Buying Night Vision/Thermal Equipment

When buying ‘new’ gear, please take the time to find out some pertinent info: 1. Who is selling it and what is their role in the sale? 2. Who is building the equipment and what qualifications do they have? 3. What are the warranty and return terms? I was recently asked to check a pair… read more »

Five on Friday 1-17

This is a weekly feature blog post composed of a selection of items from around the web that I read this week; five links and a cool Instagram photo to grab attention. It’s not all firearms or duty related. Some items are current events, some are industry news, some are technology. It’s going to be all over the place with the only central theme being that I read it some time this week and found it interesting.

Ballistic Helmets, Construction, Testing, and Ratings

So, after one of my gear reviews, I received so much feedback, I decided to clarify/expound. It seems most end users are merely consumers. They want to give you their want as they see it, and they expect you to point their nose at an easily affordable product without any real regard to their needs…. read more »

Choosing a Protection Level for Rifle Plates

Armor 101… I tell customers that armor is one of the most confusing commodities in the defensive industry. Understanding the rating systems, the materials, and the capabilities associated with each is a must for one to make an educated armor choice. When selecting armor, start with the most likely threat that you may face (be… read more »

Materials Used in Hard Armor

*Editor’s note: NiJ ratings do not consider 5.56 in classifications. If something is rated level III it will stop .308 but not necessarily 5.56/.223. Currently there are four common options for Level III plates:  5-6 mm steel (AR500/R50c/AR46100) plates: Level III steel plates offer a very thin profile, but are a bit heavier (6.5-7.5 lbs… read more »

The Value of Backgrounds With Teaching

Something that’s been bugging me of late and I have to rant a bit about…let me be blunt (as those who know me can appreciate) – I CAN GIVE TWO BIG SHITS WHAT YOUR BACKGROUND IS WHEN IT COMES TO TEACHING ME ABOUT SHOOTING!!!!! That’s right…anybody who knows me, knows I know my way around… read more »

Citizens Defense Research’s The Armed Parent/Guardian AAR

So my friend John Johnston of Ballistic Radio called me out on a recent Primary and Secondary modcast to check out his class Contextual Handgun: The Armed Parent/Guardian.  Since the class was only about 90 minutes away and hosted by the Sentinel of Freedom John Murphy at FPF Training, in Culpeper, Virginia, how could I resist? Later… read more »

Critical Equipment

This article began as some thoughts when I was listening to the P&S Kyle Defoor interview a few months ago, and I am finally putting thoughts on paper (or the internet’s version of paper). “Tell me about your rifle” (here) was Kyle’s question that started me thinking. On a similar vein, more handgun-focused, was the… read more »

AAR’s for Scenario Based Training: How to and Why

AAR. What is it? After Action Review is the short answer. Why do we do them? Because we have to. Because we’re supposed to. First Sergeant said to. Because I like to hear myself talk. The correct answer should be to give the students (soldiers, cops, whoever) feedback on their performance, to facilitate learning and… read more »
