
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Articles with a focus on Military.

Integrated Weapons Training Strategy Doctrine

For Walkthrough Wednesday, we are continuing the discussion on the Integrated Weapons Training Strategy and the changes that are going to be taking place in doctrine. Master Jhoon Rhee, considered the father of American Tae-kwon-do, is cited with saying: “Discipline is the habit of taking consistent action until one can perform with unconscious competence. Discipline… read more »

Fackler Discusses Shots To The Pelvic Area

“I welcome the chance to refute the belief that the pelvic area is a reasonable target during a gunfight. I can find no evidence or valid rationale for intentionally targeting the pelvic area in a gunfight. The reasons against, however, are many. They include: — From the belt line to the top of the head,… read more »

Fire Control – Methods

For Training Tuesday, we are continuing our discussion on fire control. Specifically, we will be addressing the various fire control methods. The reference for this discussion is FM 3-22.68, dated July 2006. The difference between these fire control measures and the ones we have been discussed previously is these are fire control measures used at… read more »

Malfunctions with a Primary Weapon, Part 2

For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on Control. Specifically, we will continue our discussion on malfunctions as we address when in the cycle of function immediate action will correct the malfunction, and the rules of correcting a malfunction, which is a specific part of the shot process that was not addressed under the… read more »

Trainers, Training, and Mindset

“The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War This is an ancient piece of wisdom and is true today. But does it apply to the individual citizen or law enforcement… read more »

Five on Friday 4-17

This is a weekly feature blog post composed of a selection of items from around the web that I read this week; five links and a cool Instagram photo to grab attention. It’s not all firearms or duty related. Some items are current events, some are industry news, some are technology. It’s going to be all over the place with the only central theme being that I read it some time this week and found it interesting.

Malfunctions with the Primary Weapon

After a long hiatus due to setting up the 82nd Airborne Division Enduring range, we are back to regular posts. We are continuing our discussion on Control. Specifically, we will continue our discussion on malfunctions as we address when in the cycle of function immediate action will correct the malfunction, and the rules of correcting… read more »

Five on Friday 3-17

This is a weekly feature blog post composed of a selection of items from around the web that I read this week; five links and a cool Instagram photo to grab attention. It’s not all firearms or duty related. Some items are current events, some are industry news, some are technology. It’s going to be all over the place with the only central theme being that I read it some time this week and found it interesting.

Tomahawk Selection

I have had a few questions in regard to selecting a tomahawk for police work. I am no expert on ‘Hawk construction but a few things to consider would be type of steel used. Tool steels like D2 are good, it is no secret that I love the American Kami stuff, DJ uses S7 which… read more »

Five on Friday 2-17

This is a weekly feature blog post composed of a selection of items from around the web that I read this week; five links and a cool Instagram photo to grab attention. It’s not all firearms or duty related. Some items are current events, some are industry news, some are technology. It’s going to be all over the place with the only central theme being that I read it some time this week and found it interesting.
