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Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Stuff About Us.

P&S ModCast 130 – Gun Nerds 12: AR Manufacturing QA/QC & You

Primary & Secondary ModCast Panel discusses various facets of QA/QC with AR15 rifles as well as some aspects of upkeep and focus on some parts. Host: Matt Landfair Panel: Jordan Bowles Chad Mercer Mike Mihalski – Sons Of Liberty Gun Works Nate Osborne Tom Victa – FN America Episode sponsors: Forge Tactical Training –… read more »

The Single Biggest Issue with the M4A1: The Magazine

For Force Mod Friday, we are going to be discussing the primary point of failure in the M4A1: The Magazine. The primary cause of double feeds is a magazine that is not within specifications. When the feed lips are too wide, it can cause potential double feeds and induce malfunctions. ‘That’s great.’ You say, ‘but… read more »

Glock 43 Micro Comp

Background I have been fortunate enough to shoot a fair share of comped pistols, everything from full-on USPSA race guns to Glocks of all shapes and sizes, and a handful of other ‘duty pistols’ with comps from KKM, Lone Wolf, Carver, and more.  Although I am by no means the definitive expert, I do have… read more »

AAR- Massad Ayoob Group

INTRO A quick synopsis to begin. I went to my first MAG40 class in September 2012. Besides a four day handgun class at Front Site, this was my first formal shooting class. Like many people who look back at their shooting skills, I was terrible. I was also on a college student shoestring budget. I… read more »

Writing an AAR, the How and Why: Enabling Continual Learning

Philosopher George Santayana once stated, “…When experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual.  Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” Taking professional training classes, or even just going to the range to perform drills, provides an opportunity to learn and evolve.  A great way to ensure that lessons,… read more »

Changes to the Rifle Qualification for the Army

For Walkthrough Wednesday, we are going to be discussing the Draft qualification for the M4A1, and what changes will be coming about as a result of it. The reference for this discussion is the 82nd IWTS NCO Professional Development PowerPoint. To refresh your memory, the current qualification consists of three tables: Prone Supported, Prone Unsupported,… read more »

B.E. Meyers MAWL Adopted By French GIGN

B.E. Meyers & Co., Inc. is pleased to announce that the MAWL-DA has been selected by the French National Gendarmerie’s elite police tactical unit, the GIGN, as their official individual NIR/VIS weapon laser and illuminator. The GIGN is currently upgrading legacy systems, and has begun to integrate new technologies with the unit’s available weapons platforms…. read more »

P&S ModCast 129 – Gun Nerds 11: The Road To The M17 Pistol

Primary & Secondary ModCast The Panel discusses the history of military sidearms leading up to the testing and acceptance of the M17 pistol. Host: Matt Landfair Panel: Phil Axelrod Bruce Gray Ash Hess Jack Lewis Mike Lewis Episode sponsors: Forge Tactical Training – Faxon Firearms – Our Patreon can be found here:… read more »
