
Forge Tactical

26 April 2017


Alliance, Ohio

John Chapman and John Spears, senior cadre members at EAG Tactical, announced today the formation of Forge Tactical, a gunfighting training firm focused on supporting the mission of our nation’s armed citizens, law enforcement officers and military professionals, carrying the legacy of EAG Tactical into the future.

“I am excited we were able to create a mechanism to carry on the EAG legacy while evolving our instructional and consulting capabilities,” said John Chapman, Director and Instructor at Forge Tactical. “The responsibility that comes with teaching fighting is one which we take seriously. John and I are focused on providing the same high level of principals and standards based training our students have come to expect, while also breaking new ground in the integration of skills, techniques and procedures courses in commercially available tactical training.”

John Spears, Director and Instructor at Forge Tactical emphasized, “While we have always enjoyed and continue to teach weapons skills and manipulation classes our focus has always been the next stage of development; assembling skills into procedures. This is how we help students and agencies realize capabilities that allow mission completion. Inherent in this is the emphasis on realistic urban training and full mission profile exercises.”

While Forge will teach a limited number of skills based courses, the amount of very high quality skills instruction available on the market today is large, so Forge will focus on application level training. Forge will guide students through the process of blending physical skills, judgment, weapons handling, marksmanship, leadership and aggression into coherent principals-based fighting capabilities.

In addition to open enrollment and contract training services, Forge Tactical will also continue and strengthen their existing relationships with Industry Partners; maximizing the benefits of close user to industry communication and applications based product development.

More information about Forge Tactical can be found at


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