
Dry Fire Validity



“As there is no ammunition, every day when they come here for training, the shooters just aims the gun, pull the trigger to hear the ‘tick’ sound, and that’s all,”

– Nguyen Tan Nam, coach of the 2016 Socialist Republic of Vietnam Shooting team

For Training Tuesday, we will be looking at how incorporating dry-fire can make our Paratroopers more lethal overall. The reference for this discussion is the Article listed below.

“In the 2016 Rio Olympics, The Socialist Republic of Vietnam won its first Olympic gold medal, thanks to the steady aim of 41-year-old Hoang Xuan Vihn, who rallied to beat hometown favorite Felipe Almeida Wu on the final shot of men’s 10-meter air pistol.” This is an impressive accomplishment, considering that he was limited to less ammunition in a week, than his competition would shoot in a day. How did he win the gold? Dry-fire and visualization.

Hoang and his fellow Hai Phong shooters held plastic bottles filled with sand to practice their aim. The weight was similar to the pistol used for ten-meter fire, and allowed for them to build the muscular endurance necessary to fire under any condition.

To put this into perspective, Hoang beat competitors from across the world. He beat competitors from the United States, who have ready access to ammunition and can train with live rounds whenever and however they want.

Not having the limitations that Hoang has, what is our excuse for not using one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to improve our skill, and get above the mediocrity of training to the qualification rather than training to the standard? Simply put, there is none.

Dry-fire can be incorporated into PT circuits. Dry-fire can be incorporated into waiting for the armorer to return to turn in weapons during maintenance days. Dry-fire can be incorporated into ruck march days. Dry-fire can be incorporated into waiting at manifest for a jump. Dry-fire can be incorporated into any situation you or your Paratroopers have access to your weapons and time.

These are just a few thoughts on how to incorporate dry-fire preparations for qualification into your calendar. Check our past posts here and here for other ideas. Doing this will make your Paratroopers want to pick up their weapon, pick up a TC and learn something. And dare I say it, it is fun. If you make it an enjoyable activity, Paratroopers will want to do it more often.

There is no excuse for not doing dry-fire. It is only a priority if we make it a priority. Squad and Team leaders need to do as they have always done, and get it done.

#weaponsmastery #dothereps #NCObusiness

For the Article about Hoang’s story at the 2016 Rio olympics, check here:


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