

Buyer Beware: Selecting Your Everyday Carry Tourniquet

Authors: Andrew D. Fisher and Will G. With the increase in Active Violent Incidents (AVIs) over the last few years and the shared lessons learned (LL) from the U.S. and Canadian militaries’ experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, there has been an explosion of life-saving devices hitting the market. Nothing has become a larger issue than… read more »

Law Enforcement Use of Government Surplus

Recently, President Trump repealed the Obama executive order that restricted the government surplus that law enforcement agencies are allowed to use. There naturally has been an uptick on posts on FB and forums across the net, as well as here. This post is a little background and perspective on that equipment from someone that’s been… read more »

PHLster Flatpack Rundown

In 2015, PHLster was approached by some individual Philadelphia PD plain-clothes officers (independent of the department, seeking custom work) to develop a solution for the pocket carry of their department-issued SOFTT-Wide tourniquets. The criteria for the device was that it should add no substantial additional bulk to the profile of a flat-folded tourniquet, keep the… read more »

PHLster TuckStrut

As the proprietor and sole life form over at PHLster, I was asked to give a brief rundown on a piece of holster hardware I’ve developed and mass produced. As various mechanisms for increasing concealment and decreasing printing via rotating the grip of the pistol into the body have gained popularity, as in-molded features of… read more »

Grouping: the Baseline

Judge me by your group size do you? Grouping TC 3-22.9 states “The goal of the grouping exercise is for the shooter to fire tight shot groups and consistently place those groups in the same location.” Many talk of shooting good groups and even more, sadly, talk about their weapons advertised grouping ability. Rarely, do… read more »

Introducing the Vanguard GT Holster

CTT Solutions and Gunterest would like to announce their new Vanguard GT holster for the Glock 19. It was designed by Mike Pannone (CTTS) and Mia Wood (Gunterest) for effective, minimalist concealed carry. It combines all the best-known features of safe, secure, and tested minimalist holsters. Originally conceived as a female-friendly concealed carry holster, it… read more »

Legal Aspects of Warrant Service with NVG

One of the things I like best about being a travelling instructor is meeting cops from all over the place and talking about the similarities in the job regardless of jurisdiction. Some of the similarities are funny; like nobody has ever owned the pants they were wearing when dope is found in the pockets, “These… read more »

Tomahawk Selection

I have had a few questions in regard to selecting a tomahawk for police work. I am no expert on ‘Hawk construction but a few things to consider would be type of steel used. Tool steels like D2 are good, it is no secret that I love the American Kami stuff, DJ uses S7 which… read more »

The Gun Elitist Debate

There are some who will argue pure price point in both the excessively cheap and unnecessarily high extremes when it comes to guns and gear. Some are brand oriented and brand loyal – for whatever reason. My XXX Brand has never had a failure (because it gets a magazine shot through it once maybe twice… read more »
