

Ideas & Concepts,

Speed Costs Money……

Speed costs money, how fast do ya wanna go  With the election upon us, it seems as if everyone now wants to buy, buy, buy firearms and gear “just in case.”  Which is cool, but not the way I would go. A firearm is a tool. That’s all. Much like a wrench or a ratchet…. read more »

Brand Loyalty, Bias, and Being Dumb 

Brand loyalty is a strong influence on people’s attempt to find the best option. Ford vs Chevy, Coke vs Pepsi, we all have our preferences. Is it safe to blindly rely on our loyalties with our choices in guns, gear, and training? Is it wise to consider a piece of gear without knowing other (possibly… read more »

Mission Planning For SWAT Teams

It is no surprise that a lot of SWAT teams use the Military five point operations order for mission planning. There are many similarities and SMEAC (Situation, Mission, Execution, Admin & Logistics, Command & Signal) is a great tool for planning to ensure nothing is overlooked or missed. However, I see that base model being… read more »

Women, Wardrobes, Guns

“But, women have to completely re-think their wardrobe in order to carry a gun safely.” Apparently, according to the vast majority of men, women regularly need to go up a size in their jeans, or completely “re-think” their wardrobe in order to accommodate your everyday Kydex holster. This has always been one of those “nail on a… read more »

Weapon System Visual Signature Reduction aka “spray painting your rifle”

“(Camouflage) is the use of materials and techniques to hide, blend, disguise, decoy, or disrupt the appearance of military targets and/or their backgrounds” – Army ATTP 3-34.39, Camouflage, Concealment, and Decoys “Target indicators: anything a Soldier does or fails to do that could result in detection.” – Army FM 3-22.10, Sniper Training and Operations I’ll… read more »

Point Shooting According To Roland

Point shooters practice using “muscle memory” to consistently repeat gun alignment to make shots. Through enough reps even a broken watch is right twice a day. But because this is not aimed fire and no attempt to find a dot or front sight post (FSP) was made the rep does not relate back to aimed… read more »

Hard work, Dedication, & Study Needed

Buying a gun is not the same as pulling the proverbial sword from the stone; it invokes nothing more than what it is; a device of varied quality and ease of use that uses a mechanical function to ignite a chemical reaction to propel a projectile. The control of that projectile and any that may… read more »

A Pro-gun Primer on Anti-gun Debate, Part 3 of 3

By Aaron Moyer Welcome back to our three-part series on anti-gun debate, and thanks for sticking with me so far! In Part 1, we discussed the goals of this series and the misnomers of “gun violence” and “assault weapons.” In Part 2, we discussed gun and magazine bans and what people hoped to achieve with… read more »

A Pro-gun Primer on Anti-gun Debate, Part 2 of 3

By Aaron Moyer And we’re back with Part 2 of our three-part series on anti-gun debate. In Part 1 , we discussed the goals of this series and the misnomers of “gun violence” and “assault weapons.” For Part 2, we’ll be focusing on gun and magazine bans, both abroad and at home, and their effectiveness, both… read more »

A Pro-gun Primer on Anti-gun Debate, Part 1 of 3

By Aaron Moyer As a politically-involved civilian firearms owner, I’ve been in many debates about the role of guns in American society. Every time this happens, I find myself looking for a comprehensive, objective article I can give to my ideological opponents that addresses all of their concerns in one fell swoop — a one-stop,… read more »
