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One thing that seems to turn up frequently is the idea of the exception being rule which creates some confusion among blind followers. Well, Seal Delta Force Snipers do it, so should I…

Unfortunately with low information end users who view concepts two dimensionally- nuance of the concept is not yet grasped. This causes people to be influenced by what they perceive to be better without an understanding of how a facet fits into the big picture. It’s this thinking that creates unnecessary hard positions on topics.

If a favorite influencer takes a position on a topic that their audience does not entirely comprehend, that audience tends to follow it blindly. Years ago a popular firearms video series was released and magazines were being flung from rifles on reload. A lot of people copied that thinking it’s a good practice to do without knowing it really served no purpose. Who does that now? No one. My friend Chuck Pressburg posted a picture of a pistol with rubber bands on the grip. Guess how many people copied that and provided their own reasoning for this practice. He did it because of some custom grip work was done and the bands were just holding things in place to cure – nothing to do with all the made up reasoning followers gave.

Just about any item or topic has an opportunity to be misinterpreted or misunderstood and silliness will follow. A way to stop this from occurring is to train to expand your abilities and understandings of the topics you seek. Study up on the why behind things are done or selected. A greater grasp of nuance not only clarifies positions, it creates new opportunities to ponder and compare new aspects you have not yet even considered.


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