

Ideas & Concepts,

Gunslingin’ #5

If you haven’t been keeping up, I have done articles on Stability, aiming, and data. Those articles lead back to the first one and the shot process. For this one, I am going to focus on that and the “why” to use it in your own shooting and getting it into your training. This will… read more »

Gunslingin’ #3

For this installment, I am going to talk about data. Now, I am not, nor ever claimed to be, one of the Sniper types. I am sure by the end of this some Sniper Steve will be sitting around going “Actually…” which is fine. This is a short version of how I obtained and confirmed… read more »

Gunslingin’ #2

If you didn’t read my last article, hit it up here As I mentioned before, the next few articles are going to be focused on the shooting I have been doing this year. I have been really focused on the Precision Rifle Series Gas Gun, specifically Tactical. I ran the series with a mostly stock… read more »

Greetings from Primary & Secondary.

This is the first of what equates to a regular column here from me. I will be putting up articles every couple week on a variety of subjects but focusing on running a gun. I will do my best not to get too much into equipment as there are a thousand other people who can… read more »

Movement and the Pistol: A Technique for Training Moving Forward

For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on Movement and the pistol. Specifically, we will begin to address what forward movement means for the pistol. Learning all elements of the shot process for the pistol is vital, as the M17 will be fielded to elements of the 82nd within the near future. The M17… read more »

Pistol Malfunctions as a Part of the Functional Element of Control

  For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on control and the pistol. Specifically, we will address malfunctions and how to handle them for the pistol. Learning all elements of the shot process for the pistol is vital, as the M17 will be fielded to elements of the 82nd within the near future. The M17 will also be… read more »

Follow-Through as a Part of the Functional Element of Control

For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on control and the pistol. Specifically, we will begin to address what follow through means for the pistol. Learning all elements of the shot process for the pistol is vital, as the M17 will be fielded to elements of the 82nd within the near future. The M17… read more »

What does ‘Calling the Shot’ with a Pistol Mean?

For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on control and the pistol. Specifically, we will be addressing what calling the shot means for the pistol. Learning all elements of the shot process for the pistol is vital, as the M17 will be fielded to elements of the 82nd within the near future. The M17… read more »

Functional Element of Control: Pistol Workspace Management

  For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on control and the pistol. Specifically, we will be addressing what workspace looks like for the pistol. Learning all elements of the shot process for the pistol is vital, as the M17 will be fielded to elements of the 82nd within the near future. The M17… read more »
