

Ideas & Concepts,

Accuracy and Precision- The ego chase.

 Many years ago, I watched as the internet simultaneously applauded a company for offering a 1 MOA guarantee while saying that Defoor’s 4 MOA shooting standard was too tough. A great shooter can do great things with a bad rifle, but you can only get so far. Along with that, a bad shooter with a… read more »

Accuracy and Precision

First of a three part series – Ash Hess What’s the best? What XXXXX should I get? We have all seen posts like this across the internet. Prior to that it was talked about in gun shops and in taverns. The response you get is often thick on opinion and thin on actual data. That… read more »

Baselines #4 Reload Drills

If you are following this series, you have seen that I lay out some baselines then some drills on how to gauge or establish that baseline. In the last article, I wrote about reloads so this one is some thoughts on how to learn or test reloads. First, let me tell you all I am… read more »

Baselines #3

Once we have our first baselines as laid out (see parts one and two) there are a ton of other skills that need to be trained, practiced and tested. Having the ability to group, zero and fire at a stationary target from a few positions does not a gunslinger make. One needs to be able… read more »

Baselines #2

Part Two In part one we talked about some standards from 0-500 with rifles. Some will argue that the standards are too loose while some will argue that they are too strict. That’s exactly why they are the standards. You can be above, at or below the standard. It’s easy to understand. Your standard shooter… read more »


I am LE and I have a decent baseline of competency with a pistol. What would you say a good basic competency with a rifle would look like? This question was asked of me recently and I felt it would be a good time to do a series on it because I am sure many… read more »

Thoughts on Fighting rifles

What makes a Great fighting rifle? Is it just reliability and the ever-present internet “MILSPEC” assembly and parts or is there something more?I have spent the better part of my adult life focused on fighting with a gun and over six years directly involved with how to use them effectively. During this time, I have… read more »

Grouping: the Baseline

Judge me by your group size do you? Grouping TC 3-22.9 states “The goal of the grouping exercise is for the shooter to fire tight shot groups and consistently place those groups in the same location.” Many talk of shooting good groups and even more, sadly, talk about their weapons advertised grouping ability. Rarely, do… read more »

Sucked Down the Tube: A Failure in Training

Much, if not all training and practice is conducted on flat ranges under calm conditions with no surprises. We shoot steel and paper that we purposely place and identify. We have lanes and all sorts of safety considerations that make a day at the range a pleasant experience.  This is fine for most of us… read more »

Inches, Minutes, Clicks- Zero That Blaster

Zeroing is literally one of the most important thing we need to accomplish with our rifles and #spacegun pistols. There is much talk around the technique to accomplish this but there is one way that is easy and fast.
