
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Band-aids for the boo-boos.

Trust But Verify …and Follow the Money

This week the firearms and tactical medical community is ablaze with news that Jeff Kirkham, the creator of the RATS Tourniquet has initiated a fake news campaign against the North American Rescue Combat Application Tourniquet. He’s also been cybersquatting on a couple of CAT-related domains. This has been covered in detail by many outlets, and… read more »

Tap Rack Tactical AAR

In September of last year, I had the pleasure of hosting Bill Blowers of Tap-Rack Tactical for his two day Tactical Pistol class. I am just getting around to finishing the AAR, but hopefully it will give anyone looking into the course an accurate idea of what to expect. TL;DR: Some people want a quick… read more »

Carrying Light With Firearms

This is an older picture and some EDC items have changed but the concept remains a constant. There seems to be a misconception that a weapon mounted light is mandatory for edc. I do require them on my in-uniform duty weapons, but there is a difference in tasks and expectations between an on duty police… read more »

Witch Hunts & Manufactured Outrage

We are living in a new era of witch hunts and manufactured outrage. There are puppet masters making a lot of money off of the masses by creating fake outrage surrounding people, organizations, things, and concepts. Pro 2nd Amendment individuals and organizations are being called out as anti gun by people and organizations (and their… read more »

Emotional honesty in brand recommendations

Brand loyalty is stupid. Here’s an absolute fact: we live in the Golden Age of striker fired semi-automatic pistols. If I showed up for work Saturday and instead of my M9 there was a bag that contained a Sig M18, a Glock 45 (the model, not the caliber), an M&P 2.0, a Beretta APX, a… read more »

Thoughts on Fighting rifles

What makes a Great fighting rifle? Is it just reliability and the ever-present internet “MILSPEC” assembly and parts or is there something more?I have spent the better part of my adult life focused on fighting with a gun and over six years directly involved with how to use them effectively. During this time, I have… read more »

Systems Thinking Applied to the Shot Process

In our previous discussion, we were talking about applying systems-thinking to the ‘fundamentals of marksmanship’ in an attempt to illustrate why the fundamentals are not as effective as the shot process. We showed how the Army had been applying detail complexity to what was a dynamically complex system; the individual firing their weapon. Now we… read more »

Citizen Defense Research – The Armed Parent/Guardian AAR

*DISCLAIMER*My slot in this class was comped with the request that I write a truthful AAR for the P&S Network by John Johnston. Further prior to class I considered both John and Melody friends and folks I respect in “the industry” so I’m a bit biased. That said, the content and merits of the class… read more »

Systems Thinking and the Shot Process: Why the ‘Fundamentals’ Don’t Work

Recently, I’ve been exposed to Peter Senge’s ‘The Fifth Discipline; the Art of the Learning Organization. Senge (2013) asserted that there are two types of complexity: dynamic and detail (p.71). Before 2015, the United States Army had been using detail complexity to help explain what is a dynamically complex task: Firing a weapon in combat. Headquarters, Department of… read more »

Gunslingin’ #6

This is part deux of The Shot Process. Check out Gunslingin’ #5 for part 1 A shot process can be as simple or as detailed as you need it to be. That is determined by target size, target distance and shooters capability.Hits on a man-sized target up close can have a process of trigger, trigger,trigger…. read more »
