
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Ideas & Concepts,

The prevailing Ego in the world of training The prevailing Ego in the world of training Soldier Systems posted another great Gunfighter moment with Ken Hackathorn last week and something stood out to me: “… Recently, one of the other Alias instructors detailed his method of always engaging the safety (of an AR or AR control style) firearm for all things when not… read more »

You know what really grinds my gears?

  I remember when I first learned how to ride a bike without training wheels(at the tender age of 19). I said to my dad, ‘Dad, I can walk just fine. I’m not comfortable on a bike. It doesn’t work for me. Walking works for me.’ My dad looked at me and said, ‘Son, riding… read more »

Why I Have A Red Dot On My Pistol – Part 2

After receiving a lot of great feedback regarding my first offering, I decided to write a follow up article based on the questions I received. Again, I want to reiterate that I am by no means a subject matter expert. I am sharing this as a regular guy that trains a lot (400 to 600… read more »

Why I Have A Red Dot On My Pistol – Part 1

Red Dot Sights (RDS) are possibly the single biggest innovation on the pistol platform in recent years. But just like any “new” thing, it has its evangelists and its naysayers. Is it a valuable tool to help you protect you and your loved ones or is it just an expensive accessory to live out your… read more »

Just as good as…

No not everyone can build an AR. Stick with a known quantity. Today I had a student who’s carbine was experiencing both timing issues and failures to eject (stove pipes) consistently. It was a tell tale over gassed carbine with a weak extractor. I passed him my SBR to let him finish the day and… read more »

Being Prepared For All Seasons: Through Layer Selection

When dressing before I head out, I like to ask myself, “can I reasonably change a tire, dressed as I am, with the full range of weather and temperatures for today?” From time to time, we must all deal with weather-effects outside of our norm, while still taking on tasks and problems. This may happen… read more »

The Fight Picks You

By: “Frank Woods”, NYPD I have something to say. I will try to keep this short and simple. If you are in Law Enforcement and thus have the authority/ability/permission to carry a concealed weapon on your person when in plain clothes off duty, and you don’t, you are either lazy, or you have your head up… read more »

Autopsy Of A Rifle: DPMS Oracle 5.56mm

Part 1: Overview This is a factory new DPMS Oracle. And, it’s the first rifle featured in our “Autopsy” series. This rifle was unboxed and fired for function. 60 rounds of M193 were fired to test for any obvious issues which would eliminate it as a candidate for this series. This is an objective review,… read more »

AAR: DARC Tactical Urban Sustainment Course (TUSC)

Multiple vehicle drill, contact left and front vehicle is disabled. Moving to the shoot house. AAR: DARC Tactical Urban Sustainment Course (TUSC) 4-7, 20 SEP 2015 By: John D. Remf What this AAR isn’t: A complete breakdown of the TTP’s and minutia taught in the class. There are reasons for this. The most important is without… read more »

DIY isn’t always the best option…

  A great example of how poorly understood this platform really is.  This hack job was done by a professional gunsmith. What started out as a solid CHF Centurion 16″ carbine barrel…is now an example we will use in an Armorers course. A customer had a 16″ barrel with carbine gas system…with an appropriate gas… read more »
