
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Trends You Can Influence

The state of the gun industry rant: ON. Right now large gun industry entities are promoting and providing an outlet for non-rates (who probably should be classified as hobbyists) to shine and get undeserved attention. This provides a very negative effect on us as consumers. There are potential long term effects from the bad info… read more »

Sentinel Concepts Practical Urban Carbine 6/11-6/12 Part Two

PART 2 T1 Afternoon: The Sentinel Concepts Practical Urban Carbine course is a course designed to  work with students on skills needed to engage targets out to 300 yards. This is a series of topics and skills that are near and dear to me and my duties, responsibilities, and environment. I know Steve likes to… read more »

Magpul PMAG Gen M3

Magazine Design Philosophy, Testing, and Performance of Magpul Industries PMAG Magazines for the AR/M4/M16/HK416/M249 By Duane Liptak, Director of Product Management and Marketing, Magpul Industries. Director of Magpul Core, Magpul Industries Corp. Building feeding devices for firearms is not a new endeavor, and many materials and methods of construction have been employed for this task…. read more »

Emerson Knives: A Critical Look

Emerson Knives Inc. and the custom knives of Ernest Emerson enjoy a strong reputation in professional circles. Emerson folding knives in particular are considered by many to be the epitome of what tactical knives should be. I was an Emerson user (hard user) and fan for over a decade, beginning in 2001. I owned both… read more »

Sentinel Concepts Practical Urban Carbine AAR 6-11/6-12 Part 1

It is common that as something evolves or changes over time, certain elements and fundamentals get lost or left behind in those changes. Firearms ownership has increased over the past decade for a variety of reasons. The desire to do more with firearms for protection, competition, and professional purposes had less to an explosion in… read more »

Innovative Gunfighter Solutions Flat Face Trigger Review

Before we begin, let’s set some baselines to see if this review will be relevant to you. I am not a fan of flat face triggers This was not a scientific, standards base, control group study. It is my opinion based on the things that are important to me. I am a nobody but I… read more »

“MIl-Spec” – The Minimum Standard For Quality

“Milspec” is a sales buzzword that provides a loose definition of the minimum standard of quality for a specific dependable combat weapon. There are several brands that say they are milspec and are not even close to that minimum level of acceptable quality. If you are buying a weapon for fun or for just plinking,… read more »

2nd Amendment, Facts, & Social Media

We complain about liberal inaccuracies with firearms. Anti-gun agendas are using made up statistics and facts to scare people who don’t know better. Much of today’s pro-gun community on social media is also having issues with the truth. Too much rumor and inaccurate info is being spread as fact. The inaccuracies self perpetuate among groups… read more »

LE use of NVG for Warrant Service – One Cop’s opinion.

I have been a SWAT dude for over 20 years, during that time I have seen huge advances in tactics, techniques and procedures as well as gear and supporting equipment. Indeed, I tell new guys that I wish I was starting my SWAT career today versus being at the end of it. We have come… read more »

Competition Will Get You Killed On The Streets?

Tore Haugli provided insight in the P&S Facebook group P&S – Firearms Competitions in regards to an article that was critical of competition shooting. Here are his thoughts:  I have recently seen a trend where instructors from the “tactical world” are being very critical of competition shooting. Reasons behind this criticism varies from no focus on tactics, such as use… read more »
