
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Stuff About Us.

P&S Glassware Now Available From AT Armor!

You have been waiting for a reason to finally place that order with AT Armor. The basket on the AT Armor web store has items waiting for checkout. Those plates, that plate carrier, and those AT Armor shirts are waiting for you in limbo. Now is the time to place that order. A very limited… read more »

The Basics of Hosting a Training Class

By Adam Syfrett Many people entertain the idea of playing host to a professional instructor, in the hopes of potentially mitigating some of their own personal logistical hurdles that would be involved in travelling to seek training. Others seek to do it just for the free spot in class. If these are your only motivations… read more »

Fun With Shockey At DARC Part 3

Once the class is done, it’s time for cleanup and it’s not a light clean up. We fired somewhere in the ballpark of 70,000 simuntion rounds during the week, both officers and OpFor, and yes ass hat, 70k not 6k, it wasn’t a typo. Being familiar with Force on Force orderings and usage, I can… read more »

Fun With Shockey At DARC Part 2

Day 2 of the course is a lot like the first night, except it’s not. They add more to your plate, namely the Porno. Unfortunately, that’s where my explanation of the Porno ends and you’ll just have to taste the rainbow for yourself when you attend. There is no free lunch in this course, but… read more »

Fun With Shockey At DARC Part 1

 DARC LECTC LEVEL 1 Why you should shut the fuck up and attend if you carry a gun for a living….  Prelude So if you’re looking for a tell all AAR on DARC LECTC so you can come prepared, you’re not gonna find it here. This AAR in some aspects is going to be vague,… read more »

Professionalism In Posting Within Social Media

Unless this is your first encounter with Primary & Secondary, you’ll have more than likely noticed mention of ‘dis-information’ in today’s world of social media. In similar fashion has been a ‘Lack of details’ in posts as well as responding comments. The end result, more often than not, is a very to the point and… read more »

US Army TC 3-22.9 Rifle and Carbine – Stability

Greetings all. Since this is my first blog for Primary & Secondary, let me take a second to let you know that if you are reading this you are in the right place. Primary & Secondary is one of those rare places that have real information in real time by real people. The Admins and rules keep… read more »

Armorer Delusions

By Rick Largesse I recently attended a Remington AR-15/M4 Armorer Certification course.  For two of us this was a re-certification, but for the other fifteen students, this was their first exposure to armoring this weapon platform.  The course started as most do, with and introduction of the instructor to the students and vice versa.  During… read more »

The Varying Quality of the AR15 and Why. Part 1

By Will Larson, Owner: Semper Paratus Arms Over the course of the last few years and most recently in the last four years since I started teaching an AR-15 centric based armorer course, I usually get asked about what separates a “Hobby type AR” over one for professional use ( i.e.- anti-social gatherings). What we need… read more »

Sentinel Concepts Practical Urban Carbine 6-11/6-12 Part Three

Sentinel Concepts Practical Urban Carbine Part 3 The vast majority of defensive and LE shootings occur in the evening and hours of darkness. The ability to take on the challenges of acquiring and engaging threats becomes exponentially more difficult for many once extra manipulations are required for light work. Steve Fisher of Sentinel Concepts feels… read more »
