
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Ideas & Concepts,

Addressing Violence

It’s time to hold people accountable for their actions and not the innocent law abiding citizens who have not done wrong. We have three main sources of violence: -Criminal action -Political/religious extremist action -Mental illness which creates violent/aggressive behavior We have laws covering about every issue imaginable. More laws don’t stop criminals from breaking the… read more »

Duty Caliber Pistol Performance

When I was young and eager to learn everything gun related, I had believed defensive pistol ammo had to be some form of hollow point to be effective. The more I learned what duty and sub pistol calibers did, the more I understood how other options fit the defensive paradigm. Let’s first establish what we… read more »

Multi-tiered Assessments to Choose the Right Weapon

According to me, there are a couple assessments to make when choosing a defensive option. Everything pictured is a viable option depending on task when fed the right ammo. The combination of weapon and right ammo meets the FBI calibrated ballistic gel testing. Assessment #1 – Destination.Where are you going and where are you traveling… read more »

A No Knock Editorial

No knock warrants are an interesting animal. In my opinion, they are valid and applicable in only extreme situations where people’s (citizens not responding cops) lives are potentially in danger. Rescuing dope is not a valid use of no knocks. Does this mean all prior no knocks have been good actions free of Constitutional violations?… read more »

How to Select More Proven and Supported Options

I have a bit of advice. If you are looking for a reliable/dependable option for defensive purposes, look at the options that are in use with people who legitimately train frequently. A more simple means of finding suitable options is to see what is issued in law enforcement on a large scale. Going with the… read more »

Lawful Use of Force is Deescalation.

The use of lawful and appropriate force by law enforcement is deescalation. Deescalation is a buzzword in popular social circles and the media. It’s over dramatized portrayal as the magical solution to most issues has socially morphed it into something it is not. People demand deescalation training for cops without knowing what deescalation actually is…. read more »

Minimal Versus Optimal

Where does the thought that a concealed defensive weapon should be small, no optic, no light, and will only be fired using point shooting in three rounds, in three seconds, at three yards come from? It seems people let convenience and comfort dictate, thus making their carry firearm a magic talisman to ward off evil…. read more »

Initial Personal Investments in Self Defense

When it comes to the reality of deadly force application, there is a lot of misinformation pushed by emotional appeals. This isn’t about “works for me” or someone’s “freedom to choose”- this is about the gravity of making good versus bad decisions. These decisions start with our investments. Investments in weapons, supporting equipment, and most… read more »

Not all Instructors are Equal

Be cautious with whom you take courses from. General law enforcement and/or military experience does not make someone an instructor. Being a high level competitor does not make someone an instructor. NRA courses check a box for some organizations but does not make someone an instructor. …but they have a cert that says instructor… if… read more »

EDC Snakeoil

Commercially available defensive duty caliber pistol ammunition designed to defeat soft armor (NiJ IIIa) is a gimmick. 1 – Does the ammunition perform at the same level as HST or Gold Dot on non-armored targets? No. 2 – Does the ammunition perform at the level of HST or Gold Dot after penetrating soft armor? No… read more »
