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Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

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How to Check Feed Lip Width on Standard-Issue Magazines

As we mentioned in last week’s Force Mod/Fossil Friday post, there is a new Magazine Feed Lip Wear tool available for the standard-issue magazines for the M4A1. However, what are we to do if we don’t have access to it? For Walkthrough Wednesday, we answer that question. All it takes is the use of a… read more »

We Need To Make Murder Illegal.

OK I’m just thinking out loud here. -Murder is illegal. -Bad guy brings gun into school and kills people. -Law enforcement in the immediate area do not intervene. They allow additional killings to occur. -People that don’t understand firearms are trying to regulate them. -Those same people also do not understand the difference between law… read more »

P&S ModCast 134 – Hudson

Primary & Secondary ModCast The Panel discusses Hudson Pistols and the development of the H9. Host: Matt Landfair Panel: Steve Fisher Cy Hudson Jack Lewis Matt Meckley Episode sponsors: Faxon Firearms Our Patreon page can be found here. Primary & Secondary: YouTube Website Facebook Complete Audio Podcasts: IHeartRadio Spreaker (Live Streaming) iTunes Google Stitcher Intro… read more »

How to Assume the Low-Prone Unsupported Position

For Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Thursday, we’re going to be continuing our discussion about how to set up your standard-issue sling to provide more support. Many Paratroopers do not know how to use the sling to provide a stable firing platform. This is important, as the unsupported positions are generally where our Paratroopers have the… read more »

The Tolerance-Stacking of Errors and Zeroing

For Training Tuesday, we are re-posting an article by Ash Hess talking about zeroing your weapon effectively. Engineers talk about tolerance stacking when it comes to malfunctions of parts. It is the same thing when it comes to your zero. If you accept being off one inch at 25 meters, you will be off 12… read more »

Follow-Through as a Part of the Functional Element of Control

For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on control and the pistol. Specifically, we will begin to address what follow through means for the pistol. Learning all elements of the shot process for the pistol is vital, as the M17 will be fielded to elements of the 82nd within the near future. The M17… read more »

Why 25 meter “qualifications” need to go the way of the Dodo…

For Fossil Friday, we are going to be discussing an idea that needs to go away: the reliance on the Alternate Course, C (ALT-C) table of fire for qualification. The reference for this discussion is TC 3-22.9 and Army Research Institute Study AD-A183 872. The alternate ‘C’ qualification table, or ‘ALT-C’ as it is commonly… read more »

How to Configure a Standard-Issue Sling for Optimal use With the M4A1

For Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Thursday, we’re going to be talking about how to set up your standard-issue sling to provide more support. Many Paratroopers do not know how to use the sling to provide a stable firing platform. This is important, as the prone unsupported is generally the position that our Paratroopers have the… read more »
