
Fossil/Force Mod Friday: It’s Time to let go of Your Magazine


For Fossil/Force Mod Friday, we have a concept that is outdated and needs to go: hanging onto magazines long past their expiration dates. Along with that, we have a new tool that will help in that process.

The picture below illustrates what the authorized magazines are for use currently. If you have magazines that have a black or green follower (the moving piece in the center of the magazine the bullets rest on), they need to be turned in to the supply sergeant in a manner that ensures it will not be reissued. If you have a coyote tan follower, they need to be used until unserviceable, then turned in for replacement.


The approved magazines for use are the new Enhanced Performance Magazine (nsn: 1005-01-630-9508). Magpul Gen 3 Magazines can be ordered as additional authorized items: (1005-01-615-5169 (black) and 1005-01-659-7086 (coyote tan)). Currently, they are not replacing the EPM, just augmenting it.


To aid in the process of determining if a magazine is bad, we have a new tool that every platoon needs: A new Magazine Feed Lip Wear Tool.

The reason the EPM magazines have a new feed lip wear tool, is because they are slightly angled based off the change to feed angle that was required for the ammunition to chamber correctly. These tools’ NSN’s are: 1005-01-660-5329 for the EPM tool, with a unit cost of $13.22. The legacy tool for older magazines is: 5120-01-574-0036, with a unit cost of $52.77. I highly recommend units purchase these at the threshold level of one per platoon, and the optimal level of one per squad.

The primary difference in the tools is the gaging surface of the EPM tool. It is cut for the slightly angled feed lips. Units should purchase both tools until they have gotten rid of the legacy magazines.

As a reminder of how this tool is used, you place it on the back side of the magazine as shown in the picture. If it stops at the ‘go’ side, your magazine is within spec. If it goes past that to the ‘no go’ side, your magazine is bad, and needs to be turned in to the supply sergeant in a manner that ensures it will not be reissued. It is a class IX expendible item. As long as you have accountability of the item, you are good to go.

I highly recommend that along with this, you get a paint marker and mark your magazines, so that you know which one is which. If magazine two keeps causing malfunctions, make a note to gauge it.

Long story short, Paratroopers need to check their magazines. Most double-feeds and malfunctions can be attributed to a bad magazine. Fix the issues with the magazine by replacing it with either the new Enhanced Performance Magazine (nsn: 1005-01-630-9508) or the Magpul Gen 3 Magazines can be ordered as additional authorized items: (1005-01-615-5169 (black) and 1005-01-659-7086 (coyote tan)).

#weaponsmastery #fixyourmag



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