Lipsey's Smith & Wesson Ultimate Carry J-Frame revolver!

I haven't even checked my tritium vials. Maybe I should.
I wandered into my LGS last week, and amazingly, there was a 642 UC in .38 sitting in the case. They only wanted MSRP for it, too. Having heard about the tritium thing from P&S, I asked the counter guys to let me take the gun in the bathroom with the lights off to check the front sight before I put it on layaway. :D
I wandered into my LGS last week, and amazingly, there was a 642 UC in .38 sitting in the case. They only wanted MSRP for it, too. Having heard about the tritium thing from P&S, I asked the counter guys to let me take the gun in the bathroom with the lights off to check the front sight before I put it on layaway. :D
We all know you peed on it to mark it as yours.
My dealer finally got a 432UC in with my name on it so I immediately went up and paid/did paperwork. Of course with our idiotic WA laws I have to wait until next month some time to pick it up. Oh well, give me some time to score some ammo for it.
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642UC and 432UC arrived. Out of the box everything is nicer than the vanilla counterparts. I really look forward to shooting these. The sights and stocks are such a noticeable upgrade. The triggers are more smooth with a slightly different press (all positive) from my broken in 442.

My 442 took a backseat to my LCRs. These change that dynamic.
Nice pair! I've ordered the exact opposite, a 442UC and a 632UC. I just don't know when they will ever arrive! I do have 500 rounds of .32 ammo now, so I'm ready!!
I picked up this one, 432 UC, on Friday. This is my first "real" carry wheel gun. It's replacing a Beretta 21A for pocket carry. I will be carrying this 5 days a week, while at work. Company I work for has a no guns policy, so I need a small easy to hide gun. I ordered 500 rounds for 32 long for practice ammo. What are some good pocket holsters to look at? I plan to carry it in the front right pock, I wear jeans 90% of the time.

I picked up this one, 432 UC, on Friday. This is my first "real" carry wheel gun. It's replacing a Beretta 21A for pocket carry. I will be carrying this 5 days a week, while at work. Company I work for has a no guns policy, so I need a small easy to hide gun. I ordered 500 rounds for 32 long for practice ammo. What are some good pocket holsters to look at? I plan to carry it in the front right pock, I wear jeans 90% of the time.

One issue that people are running into with these is that the rear sight is catching on a lot of different pocket holsters. I've experienced and seen others have the problem with Mika, Uncle Mike's, and the Safariland M25. I assume holsters built similarly to those three with have the same problem. With my Safariland it's about a 50/50 shot if I get hung up on the draw, but enough force can get it past the stitching. Pretty much any J-Frame pocket holster such as those will be a decent solution.

American Fighting Revolver is working on a specific pocket holster for the UC line of revolvers. These are supposed to accomodate the larger rear sight to help mitigate the snagging. I'm unsure if theirs with "click" in like a traditional kydex holster, or if it'll be more of a kydex sleeve like the Safariland. I posted the question on Facebook to them, but their crew was at Taccon this weekend, so I haven't heard back yet. I can post an update here when I get an answer.
I'm using mine with an AHolster backbone and it does ride against the rear sight but not bad. I may heat it up and mold it a bit around it but it's not concerning. I do have a couple of leather holsters and the cylinder flutes don't match the .32, to be expected but it does make it a bit harder going in. Got some simulated Ivory on there with a BK grip adapter for a little old school look.


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I don't have one of the 432UCs to try, but I have been carrying a J-frame in a Kramer horsehide pocket holster on and off since 1995. I am very happy with the holster. Until I manage to find a 432UC somewhere I won't be able to find out if my old Kramer holster works with the rear sight or not.

FWIW, on an unrelated topic, Lipsey's has a 3" LCRx in .327 Federal listed on their website. No picture yet, but hopefully that is something that is coming also. I was hoping for a 3" LCRx in .32 H&R Mag using the alloy .38 Special frame, but I can live with a 3" .327 LCRx.
I would love to see an LCR in .32 H&R Magnum in the lighter weight frame. I have discussed this with people at Ruger….and like lots of discussions with various gun companies over the years it carried no weight. Currently with AFR we are making better inroads to maybe getting a better pathway into these companies. We simply have a world in many cases where the decision makers in gun companies rarely listen to actual subject matter experts rather than experts at widget selling. The revolver world is worse than the auto world. Look at the time it took for Glock to do single stack guns that many of us had been talking to Glock about since the early 90’s.
I would love to see an LCR in .32 H&R Magnum in the lighter weight frame. I have discussed this with people at Ruger….and like lots of discussions with various gun companies over the years it carried no weight. Currently with AFR we are making better inroads to maybe getting a better pathway into these companies. We simply have a world in many cases where the decision makers in gun companies rarely listen to actual subject matter experts rather than experts at widget selling. The revolver world is worse than the auto world. Look at the time it took for Glock to do single stack guns that many of us had been talking to Glock about since the early 90’s.
Yeah, the G48 is basically exactly the Glock we wanted in the mid-1990s after the AWB went in effect. We are still waiting on that Glock PCC that was just around the corner in the 90s.

I’m still hoping for a LCR and LCRx in a lightweight .32 Mag.
Here's my results using the 3.0gr of HP38 over the 98gr MBC wadcutter. 7/10/25yds with decent results. Only the second outing with the 432UC and it seems to be breaking in nicely. I shot all 100rnds I had loaded of the MBC loads and a a mix of the Hornady 85gr XTP's that I loaded. Not a super fan of the wadcutter as it's not as easy to load the chambers as a SWC. I may try to run this in one of our local ASI matches and need to be able to charge with speedloaders. Sights seem pretty regulated, even with my horrible vision did pretty well. I'm happy when I can hit the center at 25yds off hand.

IMG_4636 by MStarmer, on Flickr

IMG_4637 by MStarmer, on Flickr
First outing with the 642UC. Ammo is Black Hills 148-gr. WC. Distances 5,7,10 yards. Various time pars, some support-hand shooting.


Bottom line? It shoots very much like my 640 Pro, but it's seven ounces or so lighter. The sights seem quicker to pick up than my 640.

The grips felt great to me, but I also have big hands and N-Frame guns feel fine. Folks with little hands might want something else (another great advantage of revolvers). My hands did not hurt like they do at the end of 40-50 rounds through my other 642 with minimalist grips.

It carries just fine in my old DeSantis pocket holsters, but wants to drag my Wilderness Tactical DB Force Option out of my pocket.

Overall, I'd say "mission accomplished" to the brain trust that put it together and I'm looking forward to running more ammo through it and taking it to a class or two.
I do like the look of the 642/632 a little better than the 432/442. But I wanted the different color to distinguish my 38 vs 32 gun. Looks like your shoots very well!
My 632 UC ran like a champ in Claude Werner’s wheelgun class this past weekend.

As for the LCR, just give me sights similar to what is on the UC and let it ride.
I got my 642UC back from Smith after the warranty work was done. I've had it out a few times and just posted my part 2 review.
