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M Atwood

Student, always.
Been in field medicine and some security things for the past 10+ years.
Done some things, most of them boring and slow. Not a cool guy.
Wilderness junkie.
Founder/director of BFE Labs.
Student, always.
Hi, im dave, retired cg, law enforcement, swat school grad, bunch of other mil schools was a contractor for a while. Im here to learn and help if i can. Ya dont know what ya dont know till someone points it out.


I'm Cross, former Marine DM and knuckle dragger, former instructor with a small MI based company called Jericho Defense, currently working in the industry doing T/E for an awesome manufacturer. I compete regularly in 3 Gun, ACTS, USPSA, and I dabble a bit in precision/long range stuff as well. I take the life long student concept seriously, outside of taking a few new training courses every year, I like to learn new sports, trades, hobbies, etc... I'm a complete addict when it comes to mountain sports as well.


Staff member
*Walks into RV, looks around at the assembled crew*
G'day everyone!

Mick here.
Same callsign that I use all over the interwebs.
I'm glad to see I know must of you from elsewhere, such as LF.

I spent my formative years in the Australian Army Reserve as an infantry soldier. So e of the best years of my life were spent wearing the emu plumes of a dashing Lighthorseman when they trusted me to run my own recon team.

Nowadays, I'm a quality systems specialist with experience in mining and manufacturing.
To keep my hand in, and keep myself off the streets and out of gaol - I run my own consultancy in civilian and military load bearing equipment called Packs and Beyond.

Its great to be here, look forward to seeing what Matt and crew have done to get this place setup.
Jonathan, former Army Infantry, B4, currently LE, SWAT, K9, Explosive Breacher, Tactics Instructor, Less Lethal Instructor, nylon gear creator and manufacture. Went by this same name on LF and others.
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