
Everything Else

Just doesn’t fit in the other categories.

Lighting Your Way

Use of light is one of my favorite topics and despite the frequency of darkness and low light environments daily, it seems to be misunderstood by most. There are three reasons to turn on your light and use various techniques (bouncing/umbrella/etc) as needed in the left picture- ID potential threats, clearing unknown areas, and navigation… read more »


A few weeks ago, on my Facebook feed, I made a statement that was not received well by some. In the follow up conversations, one word really drew the ire of the loudest detractor. That word was tribe. During an interview, the interviewer put a special tone on it every time he mentioned it. The… read more »

Error 404: File Not Found

…getting experience doing things in practice so if it came time to use that particular technique, skill, etc. ‘for real’ your brain wouldn’t be left saying “error 404: file not found.”

Military, Law Enforcement, & Government Use Only

At the beginning of my law enforcement career, dead center of an “Assault Weapon” ban, I didn’t understand the issue with my access to things non-LE couldn’t obtain legally. It was unfair, but a perk of the job. I didn’t consider what that meant for people who were not me. As I matured I began… read more »

My Navigation of Guns, Gear, & Everything Else

We have a tremendous amount of choices when it comes to what firearms and equipment we can use. To help with my decisions, I use a similar approach to guns, gear, and training as I do with approving companies to associate and advertise with the Primary & Secondary network. It starts with one simple question-… read more »

Don't Be A Sheepdog

The ability of a person to protect themselves and their family is not only their right, it is their responsibility. People shouldn’t need to wait on the police (or sheepdogs) to come and protect or save them. My primary employment is working as a police officer. I recognize there are those officers with a just… read more »

Sons of Liberty Gun Works MK10 Review

I recently had the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into one of the 308 battle rifles being compared for the InRangeTV/P&S collaboration video shoot.  Since Karl will be releasing plenty of high quality video content comparing the various guns, I will not get into that. I wanted to specifically look at the SOLGW MK10… read more »


One of the biggest hurdles to overcome when trying to improve performance is mindset. When I say mindset, I am not talking about the “If not you, who” mindset talks. I am referring to a growth or fixed mindset. In my years of dealing with students and internet folk, the most common is fixed. Current… read more »

Accuracy and Precision- The Test

To understand any of this you need to read parts one and two. There I laid out what we are trying to accomplish and why. The short version is using testing to find where the gaps are in your equipment. For this example I am attempting to find the inherent accuracy of a rifle and… read more »

Baselines #4 Reload Drills

If you are following this series, you have seen that I lay out some baselines then some drills on how to gauge or establish that baseline. In the last article, I wrote about reloads so this one is some thoughts on how to learn or test reloads. First, let me tell you all I am… read more »
