

Ideas & Concepts,

“MIl-Spec” – The Minimum Standard For Quality

“Milspec” is a sales buzzword that provides a loose definition of the minimum standard of quality for a specific dependable combat weapon. There are several brands that say they are milspec and are not even close to that minimum level of acceptable quality. If you are buying a weapon for fun or for just plinking,… read more »

2nd Amendment, Facts, & Social Media

We complain about liberal inaccuracies with firearms. Anti-gun agendas are using made up statistics and facts to scare people who don’t know better. Much of today’s pro-gun community on social media is also having issues with the truth. Too much rumor and inaccurate info is being spread as fact. The inaccuracies self perpetuate among groups… read more »

LE use of NVG for Warrant Service – One Cop’s opinion.

I have been a SWAT dude for over 20 years, during that time I have seen huge advances in tactics, techniques and procedures as well as gear and supporting equipment. Indeed, I tell new guys that I wish I was starting my SWAT career today versus being at the end of it. We have come… read more »

Competition Will Get You Killed On The Streets?

Tore Haugli provided insight in the P&S Facebook group P&S – Firearms Competitions in regards to an article that was critical of competition shooting. Here are his thoughts:  I have recently seen a trend where instructors from the “tactical world” are being very critical of competition shooting. Reasons behind this criticism varies from no focus on tactics, such as use… read more »

Lessons Learned As An Instructor

One of the biggest things I learned as a firearms instructor which took years of focus and near 360 degrees of observation of the student – the ability to assess whether there is a learning opportunity versus a teaching moment. Basically it is the ability to observe an issue and exploit it by weighing the… read more »

A Quick Guide To Fighting

As a cop there really are very few trained and disciplined crooks that can actually fight. All of them understand the street, talk shit while you move inside and then throw a haymaker followed up with monkey rage wild swings or kicks to the head if the haymaker connects. This has been my experience anyway,… read more »

Why Primary & Secondary

Before microwaves we used ovens. Before cell phones we used payphones. Before the internet we used libraries (and we actually had to talk to people). Nowadays we get what we want NOW! Unfortunately, if we blindly go to the internet intending to find truth, we will most likely not find it on our first search. … read more »

Law Enforcement Case Law and What it Means for You

So after Bill Blowers and I discussed LE training on a ModCast recently, I got several questions regarding case law and how it applies to training and where liabilities exist – so rather than answer a couple people, I’m going to address those questions and issues in this article. This article will serve you especially… read more »

An Armed Citizen’s Guide to the Online Firearms Galaxy

The internet is a wide open space with few rules and little supervision. Things in the real world such as credibility, lineage, and integrity can easily be counterfeited on the net and replaced with followers, likes, and SEO. If your hobby is of little consequence like, let’s say watch collecting, then the detriment in following… read more »

Becoming A Victim Of Our Frame of Reference

  “Never say always, never say never.” When we give advice as instructors, teachers, “that gun guy,” etc. we must be very careful that we do not become a victim of our frame of reference. What does this mean? LE, MIL, CCW and Hunters each will give advice based on their perspective. Many times they… read more »
