

Ideas & Concepts,

Safe Weapons Handling

As part of our previous discussion on control, I’d like to bring up one of the primary points Paratroopers of every MOS need to be aware of; that of their mindset when handling a weapon. If you were to believe what you see in the news, you might think a weapon can go off without… read more »

Positive Weapon Control

We are going to be discussing the first few components of the element of Control. Training Circular 3-22.9, Change 1 dated January 2017 states that control is: “all the conscious actions of the Soldier before, during, and after the shot process that the Soldier’s specifically in control of.” In other words, the Paratrooper is responsible… read more »

The Laser Bore Sight

We are going to talk about lessons learned from the DRE this week. Specifically, we will be discussing a system that is underutilized in the arms room; The Laser Bore Sight. The Laser Bore Sight is used to develop a ballistic compensated zero for optics, lasers, and thermals. It is a more precise method of… read more »

Back to the basics: A business primer

After several phone calls to a number of different industry folks in the last couple weeks I am struck by something a business professor told me years ago, “Profit margin only matters if you actually sell something.” I spent some time in the business world and learned some lessons the hard way. I ran the… read more »

Surface Danger Zones

We are starting a discussion on Surface Danger Zones. Specifically we will discuss what the different types are, and the different parts that make up an SDZ. The reference for this is DA PAM 385-63 dated April 2014. A Surface Danger Zone, or SDZ as it is more commonly known, is defined by DA PAM… read more »

Ballistic Considerations of Machine Guns

Time to start a new discussion about Machine Guns. Specifically, we will start to address the specific ballistic considerations that come into play when employing machine guns. We will be having a discussion about the Maximum Ordinate of the round, what the beaten zone is, what the cone of fire is, and danger space. All… read more »

Shooter Conditions and Compound Conditions

We are continuing our discussion on the functional element of Aiming as it relates to the shot process. Specifically, we will be addressing shooter conditions and Compound Conditions. Shooter conditions consists of tactical movement, firing with the weapon canted, and firing in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) environment. Tactical movement adds the variable… read more »

Planning and Maximizing Dry Fire

Due to the importance of dry fire, we are continuing our discussion on dry-firing. We have established what drills we need to do at a minimum according to doctrine, where to find them in TC 3-22.9, and what they are. Now we will be discussing how to get dry-fire on the training calendar. The analogy used… read more »

Range Facility Management Support System (RFMSS) Continued

We will now be continuing our discussion on the Range Facility Management Support System, or RFMSS. For those not familiar with the two-week calendar format it is set up in, here is the previous article to learn more about it. For Now, I am going to assume you have read that post, and are interested… read more »

Terror, Violence, and The Modern Police Officer

The war on terror sparked on September 11th, 2001. When the U.S. was attacked on its own soil it opened eyes of police forces to upgrade equipment prior to becoming a liability to save lives of citizens and LE in an armed conflict. The public expects law enforcement to intercede in armed conflicts and stop… read more »
