
Capability Gap: How do we Zero Large Groups of Soldiers at True Distance?
For Force Mod Friday, we are going to be discussing a current capability gap: zeroing at true distance as required by TC 3-22.9, change 2, dated August 2017.
Appendix E, TC 3-22.9 states that at a minimum, confirmation should be done at 300 meters. The reason for zeroing at true distance is it will reduce the amount of deviation that is present in a 25 meter zero. Keep in mind; a bullet hole is approximately .5 minutes of angle in width at 25 meters. Which means it is hard to determine what the group looks like if the rounds are stacked on top of each other.
So how do we zero at distance? Currently, there are two methods; Known-distance and steel targets spaced from 100-300 meters are most commonly used for small units (scouts and snipers). The challenge with these two is threefold: the inability to emplace steel within 350 meters on a range on Fort Bragg. The amount of time it takes to zero a large group of people on KD at Fort Bragg (due to KD being ten- or twenty-point ranges). And the availability of KD ranges, as they commonly conflict with other ranges on Fort Bragg.
A material solution exists that will take the automated record fire range commonly used for qualification and make it more multifunctional: the installation of Location Of Misses and Hits (LOMAH) sensors on every target on the Record Fire range.
Three capability gaps disappear using a system like this:
ONE: Paratroopers can now zero at true distance without having to move yard lines, speeding up the process immensely.
TWO: when Paratroopers qualify, the target condition does not matter. The old complaint is ‘the center of the target is shot out.’ With LOMAH, the target condition is irrelevant because the LOMAH sensors are what determine the hit location as long as the target comes up in the same place in relation to them.
THREE: Once the standard qualification is complete, we can put the Paratrooper back through the scenario with four magazines of 15 instead of the current three magazines. The only change to the target is the sensor using scoring zones simulating ‘switch and timer’ shots on the target. Unless a Paratrooper hits a vital area, the target will not go down. Creation of an advanced skillset in the Paratrooper now is possible, as they are engaging a small area on a target, not the ‘minute of man’ standard we currently have.
If units want true “Advanced Rifle Marksmanship,” having the majority of their company being able to place a shot into a lethal zone at 300 meters would be an excellent start.
Long story short, LOMAH is a material solution that can fill a current capability gap that exists (zeroing at true distance). It will ensure that scores in the qualification are scored, as target condition is not as critical. And it will allow for the development of an actual “advanced” skill set, as the Paratrooper will be forced to engage switches and timers at distances of up to 300 meters.
#weaponsmastery #zeroyourblaster #itallstartshere


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