

Ideas & Concepts,

Vehicle Loadouts

Vehicle Loadout – carrying stuff out of sight, out of mind. Frame of reference: Carried this way when I lived in a small town in a Western “Cowboy” “pro gun” area. *When I travel to less “pro gun” or “Cowboy” regions into a more “Hippie” region, I cover up my gun stuff with less gun/tactical… read more »

What Rig Should I Get For Class?

I often get this question.. what rig should I get for Class? Considerations to be made before asking this are – 1) consult instructor for recommendations 2) consult prior attendees 3) what do you carry now? 4) how will this choice alter your current direction as a class rig for most shall not be any… read more »

“That Guy”: Gearing Up

Know your goal. Know your role. Slow your roll. We live in a world of appearances. It’s unavoidable when most of the data we accumulate is visual. How we look is important and can play a large part in what social groups we to which we gain entry. If you show up to your office… read more »
