Primary & Secondary Training Summit 2022

Large scale training event featuring multiple instructors in Logan, Utah on TBA at the Cache Hunter Education Center, 2851 W 200 N, Logan, UT 84321.
Registration starts after January. Preregistration starts in January for Patreon supporters of Network Support or greater.
Registration cost for 100 slots:
$1100 for general entry.
$1100 for Network Support or greater Patreon supporters with nonrefundable $550 down.
$900 for Network Support or greater Patreon supporters paying in full.
$550 Audit attendee – full access to lectures, demos, vendor areas, 3rd day competition/practical, limited access to shooting/tactics courses (Attends as observer).
Requirements for live fire courses:
Has attended professional training from a P&S recognized instructor/company (or similar) or has documented military/law enforcement experience or is c class (equivalent) or higher competitive shooter. The course takes off running, not for beginners. Further screening on an individual basis if needed.
Instructor roster (possible changes may occur):
Bill Blowers – Range: Diagnostic Pistol: Learn ways to improve using refinement through focused drills and documentation. 300 rounds pistol.
Range: Diagnostic Carbine: Learn ways to improve using refinement through focused drills and documentation. 300 rounds rifle.
Darryl Bolke – Lecture: Training Habits of Highly Successful Gunfighters.
Range: Backups/Snubbies: Many people carry a snubby or backup, but how many train with them? Increase your effectiveness using these compact weapons with this block of instruction. 200 rounds pistol.
Riley Bowman – Range: Pistol Intelligence: This unique course is a result of my own journey as a shooter, intended to streamline each student’s development to shooting enlightenment by distilling shooting down to its simplest principles and forms. I had to learn a lot of things the hard way, and it’s now time to pass along those lessons learned to help you establish a pathway forward that bypasses the common pitfalls most shooters spend YEARS struggling to get past.
One of the biggest lessons I had to learn was the importance of and the role that visual processing plays in one’s shooting. I spent a long time stuck in my development not because I couldn’t grip and press the trigger well, but it was because I didn’t yet understand how to unlock the potential that already existed in my vision—the ability to see and process visual information more efficiently and with greater precision.
Jim Dexter – Lecture: Practical Medical Skills. This block consists of an abbreviated Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) session at the Active bystander guideline level. Topics covered include; tourniquets, wound packing, bandaging, chest seals, shock management, hypothermia prevention and other common injuries.
Varg Freeborn – Lecture: Violence of Mind. A discussion of violence and criminal mindsets and how to prepare for them.
Chuck Haggard – Lecture: Understanding low light and managing unknown contacts.
Range: Backups/Snubbies: Many people carry a snubby or backup, but how many train with them? Increase your effectiveness using these compact weapons with this block of instruction. 200 rounds pistol.
Range: Low light pistol. Use of light, handhelds, weaponlights, and ambient conditions to make the shot. 300 rounds pistol.
Gary Hughes – Lecture/Demo: Understanding Body Armor and NiJ. This block has both discussion as well as live fire shooting of body armor so you can see this for yourself.
Scott Jedlinski – Range: RDS Life: Learn methods to hone your red dot pistol performance. 300 rounds pistol.
Matt Little – Range: Carbine Skill Development: This course focuses on the mechanics of marksmanship at speed with a carbine. This course is not about tactics, but instead is about skill with the firearm. Your skill at shooting drives your tactics, and the ability to make a shot with precision, rapidly, and under pressure, is of paramount importance. This course deals primarily with employing the carbine at CQB distances, but longer range employment can be addressed as well depending on venue availability and student group. Our goal is for every student to finish this class with a deeper understanding of how to construct their personal training in order to improve as efficiently as possible. 300 rounds rifle.
Range: Pistol Skill Development: This course focuses on the mechanics of marksmanship at speed with a pistol. This course is not about tactics, but instead is about skill with the firearm. Your skill at shooting drives your tactics, and the ability to make a shot with precision, rapidly, and under pressure, is of paramount importance. Our goal is for every student to finish this class with a deeper understanding of how to construct their personal training in order to improve as efficiently as possible. 300 rounds pistol.
Range: Low Light Pistol: There is far more to low light shooting and the effective use of light than simply mounting a light to your pistol. This block will offer a concise overview of piatol and WML employment in low light. Round Count 200 Required Equipment: Pistol with WML, minimum 3 magazines. Magazine pouches.
Chuck Pressburg – Range: No Fail Pistol: Focusing on absolute performance melding shooter and weapon. 200 rounds pistol.
Range: NVG/IR short range rifle. 200 rounds rifle.
Jared Reston – Range: 300y Carbine: Patrol rifle or special purpose rifle, you need the skills to engage at distances beyond your pistol. 250 rounds rifle.
Range: Medium Range Carbine NVG/IR: Patrol rifle or special purpose rifle, you need the skills to engage at distances beyond your pistol under IR. 250 rounds rifle.
Chris Sizelove – Lecture/Practical: Principles of CQB Course is a 4 hour lecture block focused on understanding the fundamental truths required for successful applications of fighting inside of structures.
Lecture/Practical: CQB Shapes Translation (4 hours) is a 4 hour lecture block focused on harnessing the power of heuristics in order to tactically solve anything you see most optimally sans a 5 minute team conversation.
Mark Smith – Range: Positional rifle shooting with barricades. Positional rifle shooting with and without barricades. Try different shooting positions and see how they affect your shot process, and your ability to hit at a certain distance. Find out what sort of accuracy you are capable of from any given position. 250 rounds rifle.
The focus is professional development. Each instructor focuses on their specialty.
All three days are broken into separate blocks with multiple courses and lectures running simultaneously along with lowlight/night blocks in the evening.
Round counts and weapon/equipment needs will be dependent on blocks taken. After signing up for the individual courses you will know how many rounds you will need.
There will be designated vendor areas and vendor event sponsoring available. Additionally there will be opportunities for vendor demos. This will require vendor registration. Qualifying vendors will have access to a dedicated 25y range for demo purposes and reserved space near that specific range.
There will be a raffle where several courses from participating instructors, as well as various other items from participating companies that will be available to win. All registered participants have one entry. Additional entries will be available for purchase.
Participating Vendors and Sponsors:
Food trucks will be on site. No meals provided.
Several hotels/motels are available in the area.
Salt Lake is the nearest large airport.
Unsafe, negligent, or dangerous behavior will result in removal from the event with no refund, and no opportunity to attend future events.
General Registration here.
For further information about registration or vendor attendance, email