
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Ideas & Concepts,

Law Enforcement Emotional Survival

Every LEO, whether a rookie or a 30-year veteran, needs to learn emotional survival and how to prioritize their life. I wasn’t exposed to the concept until 14 years into a career and 15 years into a marriage. My career flourished and slowly over time my personal relationships suffered. When I first got to Philadelphia… read more »

The Engagement Skills Trainer

For Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Thursday, we are going to be discussing a system that has a reputation for being more trouble than it’s worth: The Engagement Skills Trainer. The legacy EST system was a tethered system that allowed NCO’s the capability to identify issues with their paratroopers prior to coming to the range. It… read more »

Implementation of Dry-fire into the Training Calendar

“As there is no ammunition, every day when they come here for training, the shooters just aims the gun, pull the trigger to hear the ‘tick’ sound, and that’s all,” -Hoang Xuan Vihn   For Walkthrough Wednesday, we are re-addressing a topic that has been brought up before at the request of several leaders. ‘How… read more »

Training Emphasis on Weapons Mastery

For TrainingTuesday, we are starting a new discussion on how to train our Paratroopers more efficiently. Specifically, we will be addressing how to train more efficiently. The reference for this discussion is TC 3-22.9, change 1 dated 10 January 2017. The main thing that I always get asked by leaders is: how do I train… read more »

Malfunction with a Primary Weapon Part 3

For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on Control. Specifically, we will continue our discussion on malfunctions as we address when in the cycle of function immediate action will correct the malfunction, and the rules of correcting a malfunction, which is a specific part of the shot process that was not addressed under the… read more »

Nighthawk 1911 9mm Double Stacks!!!

April 28th 2017 Berryville AR. On the heels of Nighthawk Custom announcing its new collaboration gun in partnership with Agency Arms and Railscales we are pleased to share even more options for our consumers going into the upcoming NRAAM Show. Nighthawk Custom is now offering a double stack configuration as an upgrade option for all… read more »

Introducing the Vanguard GT Holster

CTT Solutions and Gunterest would like to announce their new Vanguard GT holster for the Glock 19. It was designed by Mike Pannone (CTTS) and Mia Wood (Gunterest) for effective, minimalist concealed carry. It combines all the best-known features of safe, secure, and tested minimalist holsters. Originally conceived as a female-friendly concealed carry holster, it… read more »

Forge Tactical

26 April 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Alliance, Ohio John Chapman and John Spears, senior cadre members at EAG Tactical, announced today the formation of Forge Tactical, a gunfighting training firm focused on supporting the mission of our nation’s armed citizens, law enforcement officers and military professionals, carrying the legacy of EAG Tactical into the future…. read more »

Legal Aspects of Warrant Service with NVG

One of the things I like best about being a travelling instructor is meeting cops from all over the place and talking about the similarities in the job regardless of jurisdiction. Some of the similarities are funny; like nobody has ever owned the pants they were wearing when dope is found in the pockets, “These… read more »

Skill Drills vs. Scenario Training

I was inspired to write this article because of a curious phenomenon known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect. This describes how a person’s knowledge of a subject and their self-perceived expertise are inversely proportional. So a person with very little knowledge of a subject often think that they know much more about a subject than they… read more »
