Grayman, so doing that thing we talked about this week, I found that its easy to say "transition" until you're wearing a gas mask, paintball mask for FOF work, etc and you can't get the usual cheek weld.
Personally, I'm more confident in making a precision shot with my strong hand/side. If it's not a precision shot, sure no gas mask on I'll go support hand as the RDS makes it doable.
Can I train to the same level of proficiency with both hands? Sure. If I had a lot more money for live fire of it, as it stands I only have X amount of dollars a year for ammo. If I reduce the live fire strong hand only below its low levels, my strong hand work drops substantially for the in my work application experience non used support hand rifle fire.
The method that has felt the best in dry practice for transitions was keeping my strong hand on the trigger and pushing across the shoulders, but that was not application of the technique under stress at all, nor was it indicative of the space limitations that may exist in a real world use of it for me.
Just a few thoughts.