
  1. J

    LPVO clearing lasers

    I got an LPVO and was wondering if a 1.54 mount would be too low to sufficiently clear a dbal A3. Note I had to get an ADM qd mount that makes the laser sit a hair taller. I couldn’t get the actual amount out of ADM
  2. Pat Tarrant

    Quantified Performance Gas Gun Match, 24 April 2022, Quantico, VA

    I just completed my first Quantified Performance Gas Gun Match in Quantico this past Sunday. The previous month's match went out past 700 yards, but this match maxed out at 450 yards. While this certainly cut down on the difficulty, it gave me a good chance to get mid-range time on my 12.5"...
  3. Pascale

    Low Power Variable Optic (LPVO) - San Antonio, TX AAR

    Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is what GreenOps preaches! Last weekend I attended the Green Ops LPVO class with former special forces Chris Alvarez (lead instructor) assisted by ranger legend Grenada raider Jose Gordon and Michael Green (also former special forces). These...
  4. TCinVA

    Justified Defensive Concepts - Variable Power Optic, Hedgesville WV, 3/20/21

    There are keys to understanding how to use a VPO equipped platform: a thorough understanding of your equipment, being able to stabilize for a shot, and a quality shot process. Our VPO class is heavy on coaching and technical information to help you know your equipment, find stability, and...
  5. Farmboy20

    1-8 vortex strike eagle opinion

    Hey I’m looking for a low power variable optic and I’ve been looking hard at the vortex strikes eagle 1-8x. I’m looking for a reliable optic that very tough to hunt with and when i get enough money saved up take classes with. So i was wanting something very robust. My budget about 350-650 right...
  6. M

    1.93 vs. 2.04 [Carry Over from Facebook - P&S Group]

    Mason Pearson March 15 at 2:47pm What does 2.04” do that 1.93” doesn’t? I have and use NODs, laser (MAWL and PEQ), gas mask all seem to work with 1.92 LaRue mounts or 1.93 height mounts. Jon Canipe I also don't understand this and am curious where that height came from. Dan Dixon Is there...