

Ideas & Concepts,

Light and the Inverse Square Law

By Michael Johnson So I’ve debated posting this for a while because I’m not a firearms expert (not even close), but I wanted to share some knowledge that I do have that I don’t think most people understand. I work as a photographer and thus my expertise is in light and working with light. With… read more »

SME/Mods/Instructors Titles on Forums

Insight by Shane Fitch Not all Forums are created equal. Just because you see someone has a SME/Mod/Instructor/whatever title doesn’t necessarily mean that that person is qualified for that title. Yes, there are exceptions to this. Use care and caution when taking in information. As with anything else, check other sources and verify. I treat… read more »

Stop Blinding Yourself

People who complain about too much light from flashlights or weaponlights seem to have the same weakness in their argument as those who argue against 9mm. Too much light blinds me, the reflection into the wall/mirror gets to me / 9mm doesn’t get the job done, it’s too weak. Want to know the solution to… read more »

Be Like Han

Training helps you be like Han. You will process information faster. Your response will be faster. You can be like Han. What training has helped you be like Han?

Emotion is Soft and Cuddly (and Sometimes Bad)

Emotion is soft and cuddly.  It is comfortable. Emotion is reassuring.  Emotion makes bad decisions. Emotion does not have a place with your decision on guns, gear, and/or training. Effective options are the ones that help win the fight. People’s sentimental attachments to antiquated options that do not perform as well as modern options just… read more »

Nuances of Detecting Danger

In my family I am known to spot celebrities on a regular basis. What is more horrifying is that I usually talk to them. This super power is a side effect of my habit of sizing up and assessing people. Why do I do it? I’m looking for suspicious behavior. I’m doing threat analysis. As… read more »

Weapons For Home Defense

The ability to protect ourselves and our loved ones at home is of paramount importance.  With this in mind it is best to understand the options available to maximize your effectiveness if you need to use deadly force in defense of yourself and your family while at home. Before delving into weapons, it is important… read more »

The Basics

I found early on the training I was provided as a police officer was insufficient for the tremendous weight of using firearms in the line of duty.  It seemed most of the training was to pass a qualification as opposed to expanding my skillset.  Even if the training was so mundane that we stood in… read more »


I wrote this earlier this month. “I was disappointed recently when reading an article promoted by pro-gun people about a conceal carry permit holder and how he saved the day.  The saving the day part is fine; it’s wonderful.  The fact that the concealed carrier admitted he never had any intention of pressing the… read more »

Truck/Trunk/SHTF Gun

In a discussion on Facebook the concept of a truck/trunk/SHTF gun came up. A serious discussion was had about combat around vehicles, optimal guns, and cover versus concealment (in regards to cars). It seemed there was a theme with some of the participants that they felt a truck gun was similar to a shovel –… read more »
