

Ideas & Concepts,

Dealing with Media for Firearms Instructors

They Already Have Their Conclusion For more than ten years, I’ve been in leadership of the most effective gun rights organization in the country.  For eight of those, I’ve been its President.  During my tenure, my organization has shepherded into law 15 pro gun bills that we authored or supported.  I say this not to brag, because… read more »

Social Media Gunfighters

Proficiency, knowledge, and experience are desired traits within many aspects of life. Unfortunately, a counter-culture is growing within social media that focuses on firearms. This isn’t new but it is getting worse. The people who are part of this like to hear themselves talk, they shout out answers without reason or context (because they have… read more »

Developing Wide-Band Situational Awareness

There are a lot of cliche statements repeated over and over ad nauseum in the training world. Many of those statements refer to situational awareness (SA), the most popular being, “Keep your head on a swivel!” While it is true that it depends on how you interpret it, honestly I think that any shallow interpretation… read more »

Law Enforcement Emotional Survival

Every LEO, whether a rookie or a 30-year veteran, needs to learn emotional survival and how to prioritize their life. I wasn’t exposed to the concept until 14 years into a career and 15 years into a marriage. My career flourished and slowly over time my personal relationships suffered. When I first got to Philadelphia… read more »

Legal Aspects of Warrant Service with NVG

One of the things I like best about being a travelling instructor is meeting cops from all over the place and talking about the similarities in the job regardless of jurisdiction. Some of the similarities are funny; like nobody has ever owned the pants they were wearing when dope is found in the pockets, “These… read more »

Skill Drills vs. Scenario Training

I was inspired to write this article because of a curious phenomenon known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect. This describes how a person’s knowledge of a subject and their self-perceived expertise are inversely proportional. So a person with very little knowledge of a subject often think that they know much more about a subject than they… read more »

Fackler Discusses Shots To The Pelvic Area

“I welcome the chance to refute the belief that the pelvic area is a reasonable target during a gunfight. I can find no evidence or valid rationale for intentionally targeting the pelvic area in a gunfight. The reasons against, however, are many. They include: — From the belt line to the top of the head,… read more »

Trainers, Training, and Mindset

“The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War This is an ancient piece of wisdom and is true today. But does it apply to the individual citizen or law enforcement… read more »

Tomahawk Selection

I have had a few questions in regard to selecting a tomahawk for police work. I am no expert on ‘Hawk construction but a few things to consider would be type of steel used. Tool steels like D2 are good, it is no secret that I love the American Kami stuff, DJ uses S7 which… read more »

The Gun Elitist Debate

There are some who will argue pure price point in both the excessively cheap and unnecessarily high extremes when it comes to guns and gear. Some are brand oriented and brand loyal – for whatever reason. My XXX Brand has never had a failure (because it gets a magazine shot through it once maybe twice… read more »
