

Ideas & Concepts,

WWDLD? (What Would Dave Landis Do?)

Matt asked me to start a series of short articles on leadership, and specifically leadership in the law enforcement world. Frankly, some of the issues are unique to the field, but mostly quality leadership is quality leadership. My first SGT after getting off of FTO (Field Training) status as a young rookie copper was Dave… read more »

What 15 Months of Sergeanting Taught Me About Leadership

When I was promoted to Police Sergeant, I was a 10-year cop who didn’t have a burning desire to get promoted.  I liked being a working cop. As a competitive person, I saw the promotion process as an opportunity to compete against others without thinking I would actually finish at the top of the list. … read more »

Follow Up on TC 3-22.9

A year ago, we finished the last edits on the TC 3-22.9 that published in May of 2016. For those that have taken the time to read this book, you know it’s very different than the books we have used since the 1970’s.  For those that haven’t, this post will hold less value because you… read more »

Leading Fighting Men

This is one man’s musings, and over the course of my career they are things that I wanted from my leaders. As such, I have tried hard to be that guy as a current leader. This is meant for discussion, not as a how to guide. One of my greatest strengths as a leader is… read more »

Speed Costs Money……

Speed costs money, how fast do ya wanna go  With the election upon us, it seems as if everyone now wants to buy, buy, buy firearms and gear “just in case.”  Which is cool, but not the way I would go. A firearm is a tool. That’s all. Much like a wrench or a ratchet…. read more »

The SITREP 3-3 Fundamentals of Leadership

Primary & Secondary presents The SITREP Part 3: The panel discusses nuances of leadership as viewed from law enforcement, military, and corporate vantages. Panel: Roland Bill Blowers – John “Chappy” Chapman – Mike Martin – Richard Mason – Direct Action Resource Center (DARC) Matt 00:00 – The seriousness of leadership 11:00 –… read more »

The SITREP 3-2 Fundamentals of Leadership

On iTunes and Primary & Secondary presents The SITREP Part 2: The panel discusses nuances of leadership as viewed from law enforcement, military, and corporate vantages. Panel: Roland Bill Blowers – John Chapman – Mike Martin – Richard Mason – Direct Action Resource Center (DARC) Matt 00:00 – instilling a fighting… read more »

The SITREP 3-1 Fundamentals of Leadership

Also in audio form on iTunes and Part 1: The panel discusses nuances of leadership as viewed from law enforcement, military, and corporate vantages. Panel: Roland Bill Blowers – John “Chappy” Chapman – Mike Martin – Richard Mason – Direct Action Resource Center (DARC) Matt Like, Subscribe, Share
