



WARNING: this group contains mostly type A personalities. If your feelings are easily hurt or you cannot backup what you post – don’t post it.

The website, forum, Facebook groups, YouTube, InstaGram, Twiter :
Primary & Secondary Network

Primary & Secondary

This is a professional grade weapons and concept discussion group and forum. If weapons and concepts do not fit the criteria of able to be relied on in a professional capacity (life dependent) they do not fit within the scope of this group. Effective options versus cheap and unreliable options.
We are keeping quality control at the highest levels for information here.

Primary & Secondary Staff

1a.) Admin Powers are completely arbitrary and all rules are subject to change.

2a.) Before posting, use the search feature and add to the topic already established. If your topic hasn’t been posted, post a new one. After posting a new thread and you have found the info you wanted, post your findings to the forum so we can use it as reference and subject matter for later use.* Intros are unnecessary.

3a.) Read through the post before commenting. Rehashing the same information that had already been pointed out does not help anyone. If you agree with a previous comment, like the comment or recognize poster in your post with your added insight (which provides further information). Stay on the topic of the original post – tangents get their own posts.

4a.) Unless you are already a productive and recognized member of our network, Primary & Secondary is not a place for you to promote your blog, YouTube channel, reviews, products, services, or classes.*

5a.) If you see deliberately wrong info being spread – call it out! Our goal with this group is to keep quality control for information at its highest level.

6a.) Must be 18 year or older to participate.

7a.) Use of any aspect of P&S for personal or professional benefit (videos, articles, photographs, etc) must be approved by the site Admin.

1b.) Ad hominem attacks instead of mature discussion. Do not troll. If you want to disagree that’s fine but bring cogent facts and a good counterpoint.

2b.) Due to the nature of the groups/forum only vetted armorers or gunsmiths may provide diagnostic advice (for the weapons they have trained with). This is not a hobby network. The potential of duty guns being discussed requires professional insight.

3b.) Do not post anything which violates ITAR/OPSEC/PERSEC.*

4b.) No ads or sales permitted.

No willing to buy or looking for deals posts allowed in the P&S Facebook groups.

Sales, willing to buy, and looking for deals posts can be posted on the forum in the designated area –

5b.) No discussion of knock-off gear – if your life would depend on it, would you really want a knock off anyway?

6b.) No memes/gifs.

7b.) Do not post the same thread in multiple groups/subforums.

8b.) Do not put all moderators on ignore/block.

9b.) This network is dedicated to eliminating ignorance outside as well as within our own circle. Cross posting of ignorance from other areas is prohibited unless accompanied by a cogent explanation of why it pertains to advancing the knowledge of our membership. This includes posting screen shots of other groups- don’t do it. Reposting sales of firearms is not allowed on any of the Facebook groups.

10b.) Training announcements are only permitted in Medical group (medical only) and Training group AFTER you have posted your training announcement on the P&S Forum in the Training Announcements area.*

11b.) Do not discuss militias, III%, anti-gov, anti-police, religion, chem-trail, conspiracy, politics.

12b.) Do not advertise other groups, forums, social media outlets, or YouTube channels without moderator approval.  Do not post YouTube videos, podcasts, reviews, services, products, or articles that you have written, produced, or control from other sources outside of P&S without prior moderator approval.*

13b.) Intentionally Providing inaccurate or misleading information.

14b.)  Don’t ask for opinions of items you already purchased. If you want opinions, ask before you buy the item. No show off posts. No price check posts.

15b.) Do not provide one word answers and/or answers without explanations as to why you provided the feedback you did – this includes posts. The why is what we want many times more than the what. No show off posts.

16b.) No pics for attention.

INSTANT BAN (Getting removed from one group means getting removed from all of the groups):

1c.) Posting porn.

2c.) Racism or bigotry.

3c.) Refusing to stay in your lane after multiple warnings from moderators.

4c.) Any 3 rule violations (see the 3-strikes list).

5c.) No discussion of illegal actions or inciting illegal activity. Especially NFA violations, advocating them, or posting pictures of your NFA violation.

6c.) Organizing, fundraising, or soliciting equipment for domestic militia or foreign fighters and gofundme posts.

7c.) Stolen valor or misrepresentation of experience.

8c.) Unethical/unlawful behavior/actions that have not been adjudicated prior to or during membership within the P&S network.

9c.) Intentionally posting misleading or inaccurate information for the purpose of influencing a sale or purchase.

10c.) Intentional breach of privacy/doxxing of others in any form (including doing so outside of P&S groups/forum) will result in automatic removal and ban from all P&S related resources.

*applies to Facebook groups

**P&S Staff are exempt
