
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Articles with a focus on Military.

The Value of Competition

The lead Humvee was disabled immediately, so Capt. Goltry had his driver pull their vehicle perpendicular and in front of it to provide cover. Capt. Goltry spotted a shooter to his right, opened his door, and returned fire. He received two gun shot wounds to his left leg but continued fighting until the shooter was… read more »

Ballistics terminology

While entering a heavily wooded section on the route of advance, Staff Sergeant Conde-Falcon and his company encountered an extensive enemy bunker complex, later identified as a battalion command post… he maneuvered toward the enemy’s flank position. Carrying a machinegun, he single-handedly assaulted the nearest fortification, killing the enemy inside before running out of ammunition…. read more »

Why we train towards weapons mastery:

“As if more adversity were needed in a situation that was already an against-all-odds struggle to protect the body of a fallen comrade while also trying to stay alive, against the combined opposition of an assault from foreign fighters in the stairwell and a constant stream of grenades being tossed onto the roof near him… read more »

Movement as a part of the shot process, part 1

  “Though he was in a similarly desperate situation on the south side of the roof, the idea of leaping off a four-story building never occurred to Corriveau. Instead, as he bounded back and forth across the building’s edge, alternately firing into the northern stairwell door and taking cover from whatever return fire came his way, his… read more »

Developing Wide-Band Situational Awareness

There are a lot of cliche statements repeated over and over ad nauseum in the training world. Many of those statements refer to situational awareness (SA), the most popular being, “Keep your head on a swivel!” While it is true that it depends on how you interpret it, honestly I think that any shallow interpretation… read more »

Five on Friday – 19May2017

Photo Credit: Alliance PD Instagram/Rat Mountain Photography Five on Friday is back. I’ll be collecting links and stories throughout the week to share with all of y’all. If you have topics, news sources, or ideas for future FoF’s, dont hesitate to drop a comment. 75th Ranger Regiment to Stand Up 5th Battalion Iran is… read more »

The Safety Brief

For Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Thursday, we are going to be discussing something that is basic but needs standardizing for every time we go to the range: The Safety Brief. Every day at the Enduring Range, a safety brief is given to the Paratroopers in attendance for Zero and Qualification. They receive the same safety… read more »

Why We Fight

“ War is not violence and killing, pure and simple; war is controlled violence, for a purpose.” -Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers We are continuing our discussion on why we need to train our Paratroopers more efficiently.  Last week we discussed how little space it takes on the calendar, so how do we ensure it has emphasis… read more »

Introduction to Ballistics

  ‘There were over thirty of them in continuous action, and all I could do was touch the Germans off just as fast as I could. I was sharpshooting. I don’t think I missed a shot. It was no time to miss.’ -Alvin C. York’s account of October 8, 1918 For Walkthrough Wednesday, we are starting… read more »

Transitions from Primary to Secondary Weapon

  For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on Control. Specifically, we will continue our discussion on malfunctions by discussing when to transition from a Primary weapon to secondary. Our reference for this discussion is TC 3-22.9 Change 1, dated January 2017, FM 3-23.35 dated June 2003, and FM 3-22.31 dated February 2003. A… read more »
