
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Ideas & Concepts,

Dealing with Media for Firearms Instructors

They Already Have Their Conclusion For more than ten years, I’ve been in leadership of the most effective gun rights organization in the country.  For eight of those, I’ve been its President.  During my tenure, my organization has shepherded into law 15 pro gun bills that we authored or supported.  I say this not to brag, because… read more »

Units of Angular Measurement for Optics

For Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Thursday, we are continuing our discussion from last week about optics. Specifically, we are discussing how do we know if our projectile is going to hit a target at a certain distance? What is a way for a Paratrooper to know how accurate their weapon is? Or how accurate their… read more »

Social Media Gunfighters

Proficiency, knowledge, and experience are desired traits within many aspects of life. Unfortunately, a counter-culture is growing within social media that focuses on firearms. This isn’t new but it is getting worse. The people who are part of this like to hear themselves talk, they shout out answers without reason or context (because they have… read more »

A discussion on sighting systems

For Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Thursday, we will be discussing one of the primary tenants of weapons Mastery: understanding the optics and iron sights for the weapons. The reference for this discussion is the draft division standard Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction and Evaluation presentation. To begin with, we must discuss the different types of sighting systems… read more »

Internal Ballistics

For Walkthrough Wednesday, we are continuing our discussion from the previous week on ballistics; specifically, we will be discussing internal ballistics.  Our reference for this is Appendix B, TC 3-22.9, Change 1 dated January 2017. To recap, there are three major types of ballistics: internal, external, and terminal. Today we will be discussing Internal Ballistics…. read more »

Trending Reports for use in improving unit averages

For Training Tuesday, We are going to address something that most units don’t even realize is an option for them to use. I’m talking about the trending report data available in the TRACR program on most ranges of Fort Bragg. The Trending Report is the computer taking the selected iterations for a specific course of… read more »

Forward Movement

  For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on Movement. Specifically, we will be addressing forward movement according to doctrine. Our reference for this discussion is TC 3-22.9 Change 1, dated January 2017. As mentioned last week, there are four major categories of movement according to doctrine. Forward, Retrograde, Lateral, and Turning about Left/Right…. read more »

Semper Paratus Arms AR-15 Armorer Course AAR

Semper Paratus Arms 2 Day Armorer Course May 16/17, 2017 Greater Seattle, WA area Instructor: William Larson   I had seen the announcement for this course by watching Will Larson’s company’s posts on Facebook.   I was paying attention to this and was in the process of fitting it into my schedule… read more »

The Value of Competition

The lead Humvee was disabled immediately, so Capt. Goltry had his driver pull their vehicle perpendicular and in front of it to provide cover. Capt. Goltry spotted a shooter to his right, opened his door, and returned fire. He received two gun shot wounds to his left leg but continued fighting until the shooter was… read more »

Ballistics terminology

While entering a heavily wooded section on the route of advance, Staff Sergeant Conde-Falcon and his company encountered an extensive enemy bunker complex, later identified as a battalion command post… he maneuvered toward the enemy’s flank position. Carrying a machinegun, he single-handedly assaulted the nearest fortification, killing the enemy inside before running out of ammunition…. read more »
