Victory First Pistol Workshop - 10 May, 2014


Class AAR and Key Observations: The class started with the class introduction, safety brief, and what you hoped to get out of the class. The shooting portion of the class started with shooting at a paper target with lines on it 10 times a few times so Matt could assess our shooting fundamentals and ability. I noticed right away that I need to work on not being nervous initially. For me Matt corrected a few grip issues initially. Placement of palm and fingers, I like the palm correction and noticed that it dramatically helped with recoil, the fingers, not so much. The way I was shooting felt natural for me, the correction foreign, I felt like I struggled all day with making the correction. I still don't know what I should do with that. After the initial assessment, we were divided into two groups and the day rapidly progressed with drill after drill, shooting one group at a time. Every drill that we shot was presented from concealment. We shot single shot, multiple shot, single shot multiple targets, multiple shots, multiple target drills at varied distances from 3 to 10 yards, more like 12 yards. One drill that I was not expecting was point shooting at varied distances from 3 to 7 yards. Before lunch we shot timed drills. 1 shot from concealment < 2 seconds, 2 shots < 3 seconds, 2 shots multiple targets < 3.5 seconds, and 2 shots, combat reload, 2 shots different target < 7.5 seconds. I struggled greatly the first time with 2.24, 5+, 5+, 8+. At the end of the day I improved to 1.94, 2.24, 2.6 something, and still improved but flopped the last one, with a 7.98. After lunch still more drills but with a time factor involved. Overall great class.

Class Trouble Spots: Work on grip, follow through, and don't rush. Work on shooting with the support hand as your "strong" hand. (Left handed)

Class wins: I shot well using only the strong hand drawing from concealment. Weapon manipulation, an area I had previously struggled with, I performed well doing tactical and combat reloads. I improved greatly when I shot timed, at the end of the day.

Areas to continue to work on: Presentation from concealment. 2/3 fast slow down for the last 1/3. Weapons manipulation, I improved but could be better.

Take always for future training/Lessons learned

1: Malfunctions and Reloads: Work through it even if the drill is over. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Get your gun back in battery. If you are in a gunfight you have the rest of your life to fix it. Train that way.

2: Cover Garments suck. Deal with it, get used to it, train and adapt because your life could depend on it! Train with every cover garment that you go out with.

3. You do not need to look at your holster when you re-holster your Pistol, you know where it is, you didn't move it. Own your shit.

4: Presentation from concealment/draw stroke: 2/3 fast, 1/3 slow. Speed up where you can, slow down where you need to.

5: If you are getting nice tight groups, speed up, push/challenge yourself. If you get a little loose, slow down.

6: You can carry your pistol off your body, and be fast, and accurate. Off body carry is a very real possibility with Vertx's new line of bags.

7. All of the other students were awesome people. Every one was friendly and helpful.

8. Now after three classes this year I have seen on a few of occasions that when things start to go bad for me when shooting under stress (not shooting well, or make a mistake), I tend to fall apart. Instead, I need to work on fighting through the issues and coming out on top. Don't give up, get your head right, battle through it. A bad guy won't go away because you aren't shooting well or having a bad day. In fact, that is what they are counting on.

9. When the instructor sets a time and place to meet and caravan to a range that I am not familiar with, be there. BTW, fuck you Google maps.