Training/Marking magazines


*Also posted to FB*

So after spending a week at DARC I have lost a few magazines in the fields of despair and misery . For years I have used purple and green duck tape to mark my mags. This allows me to easily ID my mags at the range and when in grassy areas. I was actually criticized by other officers during a rifle qual about my fruity mags. First drill was a bunch of mag dumps. All the officers who had brand new gen3 pmags were now mixed with old beat to shit gen1 pmags from the armory. Then they mumbled something about my color system maybe working.

What I wanted to do was get some mags and paint them obnoxious colors and use them as dedicated training mags.

While researching other people's marking methods I discovered magpul has orange and blue mags I didn't know were a thing. Why are these two colors unobtainium? Some orange pmags would be awesome.






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One option would be to dye or paint them. From what I read, one advantage of the new sand-colored mags was the ability to easily change the color to your preference. I have seen more people trying to blend the color into the local environment, but going with a red/blue/yellow/etc. as a way to easily find and differentiate your mags sounds like a good idea to me.