Shield Arms S15 15-round magazine for G43X/G48

That said, I am seeing YouTube videos of the mags being tested. I may have been a little quick on my order cancellation. Live and learn?
Anyone experienced the metal mag catch wearing out the oem plastic mags?

I would expect if you need the metal mag release cuz the Shield metal mag wears the OEM Glock Mag release, then the converse would be true. The Shield metal mag release would wear OEM plastic mags. Once I went Shield I put the lower capacity OEM mags in a drawer.
Yeah all my factory mags are stashed away. I plan on adding another 43X as a ban state travel gun, so the factory mags will be used for that gun.
Seeing as gucci boys were putting colorful metal mag releases on their glocks before metal mags, I am hopeful the metal mag catch will be a non issue.