Response to Modcast 49-5


Regular Member
Some thoughts after watching that modcast:
(Please watch Modcast before responding)

1) why should a student be TOLD to shoot a 6" circle vs an 8" one if it is appearently too easy (assuming time is not a factor)?! If you are not challenging yourself then you are just collecting certificates and wasting the instructors time.

2) why should an instructor have to slow a class down for those that don't get it? Yes, a brief amount of time should be alotted for some people to catch up but standards are standards. Not everyone has to pass. If you want participation awards then take an NRA class. This is why there are various levels of classes. You never see a professional educator hold back an entire class because of 1 or 2 fucktards. The students can either keep up, try the class over again, or go back and prepare more for that class at a later time.

3) students should know their skill level. Too many students want to take "advanced" classes but still have to think about a reload. There is nothing wrong with taking the same basic, intermediate, or whatever level class over again because you need more work on that level skill. If you are not kicking most of the classes' ass then you probably shouldn't move up yet.

4) no one is above doing basic skills. Yes, I agree that as the level of the class increases the time spent on those skills should decrease. No need to waste 100 rounds on turns in a certain level class. However, that doesn't mean it is worthless to practice them a few times. It refreshes memories and gives the instructor confidence in the unknown students. I've done countless draws yet I still do a few every day. Never miss an opportunity to train.

5) targets- accuracy has a defined standard. Roland covered that well enough.

That's all I've got for now...