Thought I'd chip in my experience for others that come across the thread. As a baseline I wore contacts at work and glasses at home, -2.25 in both eyes. I went in for my consult and was told that I wasn't a candidate for Lasik as my corneas aren't symmetrical. The Dr. said that even if they were he would have still recommended PRK. He recommends PRK for LE/Mil and anyone involved with sports. He is one of the leading surgeons in the country and has performed over 100K procedures, the next closest in my state was around 10K.
Anyway, I had the procedure (5/19/16) and the day of was very straight forward/easy. I went in the back with a nurse for some numbing drops. 10 min later I was on the table, 10 mins after that I was walking out. There was 0 pain during the procedure, I was just super sensitive to light after leaving the office. Going to the pharmacy was almost impossible as I could hardly open my eyes due to the light (not pain). After the numbing drops started to wear off it got somewhat uncomfortable, but I wouldn't call it pain. The worst part was how much my eyes watered, it would wake me up they were so full of water. I went back the day after and he gave me some drops for the light sensitivity and I've been fine since. I really didn't think the recovery was that big of a deal, I was off work for 7 days then back to working the street. My vision was 20/40 the day after and is now 20/15 6 months later. The biggest thing to be aware of with PRK is fluctuation in vision during recovery. There were times where I'd see 20/15 and then an hour or so later my vision was blurry, a little frustrating.
A note about the flap, I actually scratched my cornea at work about a week ago and during the exam he said I was lucky I went with PRK because the scratch overlapped where he would have cut the flap. He didn't say it would have for sure dislodged the flap, but the possibility is there and at 0300 on a saturday when it happened, that would have sucked, A LOT. If anyone has PRK specific questions feel free to PM.
ETA: I have no issues with close up vision, seems to be the same as before the surgery.