360 Performance Shooting Performance Shotgun - Richmond, Va. 6/1-2



Performance Shotgun is designed to take anyone who has some experience with firearms and teach them the path to proficiency with the most powerful fight stopper commonly available to most citizens in the US.

Many are intimidated by the perceived recoil of the shotgun; in Performance Shotgun you will learn to tame the beast and gain confidence with your shotgun so that you can actually begin to train on it just as you would with any other defensive firearm.

This class gives law enforcement and defensive minded shooters the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively operate and control their shotguns under stress.

We will start with a refresher of the basics, but students will be pushed to improve speed and accuracy with the shotgun and maximize the efficiency of manipulations.

We will focus on executing the basics and exploring what comes next, including using the shotgun around cover, in close quarters, and other interesting topics to help you plug the shotgun into your defensive or duty needs.

This is not a beginner level class.

There is a $40 cash range fee due on day 1.