
Welcome to Primary & Secondary

Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion

Stuff About Us.

P&S Patreon Giveaway!

I’m thinking it’s time to do a giveaway drawing for when P&S reaches 800 Patreon subscribers as a thank you to our supporters!

P&S 144 – MedCast

Primary & Secondary PodCast The panel discusses medical stuff. Host: Matt Landfair Panel: Matt Babika Andrew Fisher Chuck Pressburg Episode sponsor: Faxon Firearms –

P&S 143 – Hodge & Knight’s Are Imaginary

The panel discusses mythical guns and other things. Host: Matt Landfair Panel: Jordan Bowles Jon Canipe Matt Meckley Chuck Pressburg Episode sponsor: Faxon Firearms – Our Patreon can be found here: Primary & Secondary: Vimeo: YouTube: Website: Facebook: Complete Audio Podcasts: IHeartRadio: Spreaker (Live Streaming): iTunes: Google: Stitcher: Intro music by American… read more »

P&S 142: Creating A Lesson Plan

Primary & Secondary PodCast The panel discusses aspect of developing a teaching curriculum. Host: Matt Landfair Panel: Phil Axelrod Jeff Bloovman Ash Hess Chad Mercer Chuck Pressburg Episode sponsors: Faxon Firearms

Movement And The Pistol, Part Two: Lateral and Turning Movement

For Manual Monday, we are continuing our discussion on Movement and the pistol. Specifically, we will begin to address what lateral and turning movement means for the pistol. Learning all elements of the shot process for the pistol is vital, as the M17 will be fielded to elements of the 82nd within the near future…. read more »

P&S 141 – Varusteleka

Primary & Secondary PodCast The panel discusses the Finnish gear company Varusteleka. Host: Matt Landfair Panel: Mike Karl Kasarda Jari Laine Barry Peterson Episode sponsors: Faxon Firearms Our Patreon can be found here: Primary & Secondary: Vimeo: YouTube: Website: Facebook: Complete Audio Podcasts: IHeartRadio: Spreaker (Live Streaming): iTunes: Google: Stitcher: Intro music: American Hitmen –… read more »

I’ve Read Every Army Weapons Manual, now what?

For Tactics, Techniques, and procedures Thursday, we are going to be discussing how we reference outside resources to make weapons mastery training for our Paratroopers more efficient. As leaders, we should never stop learning. Commanders at various levels have come up with reading lists of publications they feel will make their subordinate leaders more efficient… read more »

P&S 140 – Gun Bans On The Horizon

Primary & Secondary ModCast The panel discusses various attacks on our rights and pending bans. Host: Matt Landfair Panel: Jordan Bowles Ash Hess Dave Laubert Chad Mercer Keith Morgan Episode sponsors: Faxon Firearms – Our Patreon can be found here: Primary & Secondary: Vimeo: YouTube: Website: Facebook: Complete Audio… read more »
