Hello all, my name is Matthew Tellheart. I make knives, either forged or stock removal. As well as jewelry but that's not part of this post and hopefully discourse. I believe that a knife carried everyday must have utility as a tool first. I also understand there are plenty of reasons for carrying a specific knife for a specific job, whatever that job may be. My goal is to make an heirloom quality product for a price that the working individual can afford and depend on.
Wether you are a professional end user, sportsman, knife enthusiast, I would like to hear what it is you look for in choosing a knife. If you have a specific requirement, personal preference, etc. Even features you avoid and why will be beneficial. Please be specific and honest with your use cases. This will help me understand what fits the real world demands and expectations of real end users.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Have a blessed day.
Wether you are a professional end user, sportsman, knife enthusiast, I would like to hear what it is you look for in choosing a knife. If you have a specific requirement, personal preference, etc. Even features you avoid and why will be beneficial. Please be specific and honest with your use cases. This will help me understand what fits the real world demands and expectations of real end users.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Have a blessed day.